Wallace Bans Livestreams After Fans Offend Dates

Floyd Wallace’s return to Colombia brought more changes as he started a new fundraiser for his trip to Brazil and announced a controversial change to his livestreaming efforts after a series of failed dates in Colombia.

On the first of two Saturday livestreams, Wallace said he felt uncomfortable in Colombia and while he was successful in finding sex with dates, he didn’t feel like he was “home” in the country and expressed his longing to leave the country an go to Brazil.

Wallace reminisced about his time in Brazil with Auston Holleman and said he regretted going to Colombia as his first choice on his sex tour, despite his hookup with “The Studd,” as Brazil was where his channel previously flourished.

Over the course of the two live streams, Wallace stayed true to form and started a $233.00 fundraiser for his plane ticket to Brazil in the first live stream, then a second $340.00 fundraiser for his AirBnB accommodations in Brazil. All in all, asking for $573.00 from his fans to support his continued sex tourism.

By the second stream, Wallace further announced that he would no longer livestream his dates in the countries he visits. He said he would edit the dates and release them as produced videos later on, which is a major change to his policy.

Originally blaming it on the possibility of copyright strikes from the music played at the locations he visits, he later stated that it was because of the negative reaction from his side chat during lives, which “pisses off” his dates and ruins his chances for further sexual activity.

Wallace’s side chat, which funds his sex tourism, is also known for its negativity. Most of his biggest supporters “hate watch” the YouTuber and love to harass him and make disparaging comments about his dates in order to sabotage the dates.

His decision to exclude the side chat from his experiences outside of his AirBnB or with dates drew a strong reaction, with most of his supporters refusing to give him money.  

As one supporter pointed out in the second live stream, they can witness Wallace whine and lay in bed when he’s in the United States. There’s no real reason to watch if he’s in Colombia and still whining and lying in bed instead of going out and having adventures.

That observation set Wallace into a fit as he began to chastise his supporters as he had to pay for the trip to Colombia with his own money as no one supported him. Since no one was paying him, he said he would no longer feature anything of interest until someone started funding him again.

The YouTuber also blamed the recent exposure of his channel to women in Colombia and the doxing of his “Terry” alias as sources of his problems.

Wallace ranted that since women now know about his livestreams, they get their English-speaking friends to monitor the stream and then text them if he’s said or done anything inappropriate. Those friends also monitor comments in Wallace’s side chat and alert his dates of what is being said.

There were no updates provided about Wallace’s previous fundraiser for $150.00 to raise money for his probation fines. He also did not explain why, when he had $2500.00 budgeted for the trip, he simply did not pay those fines before leaving the United States.

Wallace is expected to livestream again later today.

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3 Responses

  1. That is not live streaming, that is e-begging.
    Much to my surprise, I too have to spend my own money on things as no one is supporting me. It is called being a productive adult. Neither word applies to Wallace.
    Seriously, what a loser!

  2. How does he not feel he’s scored a huge win when his hate watchers interfere with his sex tourism? I thought he was in this for clicks and views …

    1. Apparently, he’s more in it for sex than viewers! Though, he earns his money through livestreamed fundraisers, how is he going to earn money through the fundraisers if he’s not live streaming? Good question.

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