Denver Metro Audits Wins Thursday

Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova’s “Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers!” won Thursday with a $100.00 take from a single donation, ending a two-month dry spell on the heels of his announcement that he was suing police for an arrest earlier this year.

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Market Flat for 9/11 Remembrance Day

There were no gains on for the market on Wednesday with the observance of 9/11 taking the wind out of the market giving investors a chance to reset and rethink while some hard truths are delivered as Chille DeCastro, and others, received bad news from Social Blade.

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For Public Safety Remonetized by YouTube

As if this one wrote itself, just as we wrote that everything to do with Christopher “For Public Safety” Reiter was a pain in the ass and not worth covering in our last article about him, he announced that his channel was remonetized and the crisis he was facing was over.

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For Public Safety Has Channel Demonetized

Christopher “For Public Safety” Reiter announced on his YouTube channel on Monday that “trolls” and representatives of the government caused his YouTube channel to be demonetized, which resulted in no donations to his GoFundMe campaign.

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Race Day Special – Direct D Dominates!

It’s Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! And a new HOT SHOT JOCK has taken over the lead in the on-going GoFundMe race and Christopher “Direct D’ Ruff blaaaaaaaaazed by the competition with a massive $15.00 take and left the other competitors behind!

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Market Gains Disappear along with Wallace & DMA

Friday’s GoFundMe take was the usual win for our On-Going Expenses fund with a $35.00 take and nothing else happening in the market, making the stark disappearance of two prominent YouTubers stand out as disappearing in recent days.

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Market Dead as YouTube Weirdness Continues

It was back to normal for the market on Thursday as our own hate watcher was the only donation for the day for the entire market, giving us a chance to explore comments made about drops in revenue made by Jose “Chille” DeCastro earlier in this week.

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GoFundMe: Would Losing be Better for Business?

Tuesday’s GoFundMe race ended in the same way it does most days, with our own Ongoing Expenses fund winning the day and not a dime going to any of the multiple campaigns associated with Jose “Chille” DeCastro. Leaving one to wonder if DeCastro would have been better off financially if he had been convicted of recent charges.

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Latest Posts

Long Island Audit Makes Fashion Statement with Protest

Continuing his one-man protest to raise money for his various personal endeavors, SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proudly walked through the neighborhood where Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder lives wearing black and wearing a face mask concealing his identity.

Direct D Confirms Doxing by Lane Myers

Friday morning saw a scary moment for viewers of Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s Christopher Ruff channel as a business partner of Ruff’s was featured on his late-night live stream claiming that someone had poisoned his dogs and one of his dogs was dying in front of him.

Glenn Cerio Challenges Deputy to Mutual Combat

American activist and snappy dresser Glenn Cerio returned to YouTube Thursday with a new video released to YouTube featuring the first amendment auditor challenging a Snohomish County sheriff to “mutual combat” at the Mukilteo Speedway Center in Mukilteo, Washington.

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