The market was again dead-on Tuesday, the third day in a row with goose eggs again dominating the market; the lack of donations continued as it was noted that Craig Hendry has already filed his appeal of felony stalking and misdemeanor harassment charges out of Vermillion County, Indiana.
A convicted felon filing an appeal of his charges wouldn’t be all that important except for the fact that Hendry is still claiming he needs $18,000.00 in donations to file his appeal and to hire an attorney to handle his appeal.
Hendry’s mycase.IN.gov file shows that he filed his appeal on January 3, 2025, and is represented by attorney Kay A. Beehler. Beehler is a court-appointed attorney who was apparently appointed by the court to handle the appeal as part of the sentencing process back on December 20, 2024.
The YouTuber has appealed multiple times via verbal addresses from jail since that time that he needed to raise the $18,000.00 for his appeal and implied that he would not be able to go forward without the money.
Curiously, around the time of the appointment of the public defender, Hendry stopped promoting his GoFundMe devoted to his appeal and started promoting his “Support Craig’s Work” fund. That fund has taken in over $1,300.00 since the start of the year based on the premise that all funding was going towards hiring a lawyer to handle Hendry’s appeal.
Hendry is currently in jail after being convicted of the charges, he is also awaiting three other sets of charges that are moving towards trials this year.
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