What Does the Future Hold for Chille’s Angels?

Disciples of Jose “Chille” DeCastro, Thomas “LetzOTVO” Prowitzky and Matthew “Brick Jonesy” Jones (“Chille’s Angels”) literally made headlines over the past three days as they essentially got tricked into the auditing equivalent of a snipe hunt by Fred “Bobby Law” Gutierrez and went to jail for it in New Mexico.

After a night in jail and despite the current estimate of $2,000.00 taken in by DeCastro towards their bond/legal defense (which they’ll get “half”, down from “all of the money”), the men are facing tremendous legal expenses if they decide to fight their charges.

As he showed off his skills Wednesday night, DeCastro is a master of assembling a small group of people to come up with a fairly large number of cash donations.

Last year, he showed this off by getting his fans to donate over $50,000.00 across his four GoFundMe campaigns, including one that was originally dedicated to helping non-DeCastro auditors for their legal defenses.

DeCastro has been generous in the past with promoting the crowd-sourcing campaigns of acolytes who are in favor with him. He, for example, at one point helped to raise over $4,000.00 for Press with Rancor’s defense fund crowd sourcing campaign, which he allegedly personally managed.

That campaign did fine until DeCastro and Press with Rancor owner Garrett Van Nett had a falling out over his felony conviction in September of 2024. Without DeCastro to promote the fund, it literally became frozen in time with donations ending literally the day DeCastro denounced Van Nett on the air.

This is typical with DeCastro’s protégées and hangers on. If they’re in favor, he’ll promote their efforts, and they’ll succeed until they eventually fall out of favor and the inevitable happens.

Floyd Wallace is one of these former protégées, who fell out of favor in 2023. Floyd is currently sitting in jail in Oklahoma for a crime he committed while performing an audit on behalf of DeCastro. Wallace became excommunicated after allegations that he sexually assaulted Jason Dollarhide’s wife Heather came to light.

Wallace has floundered for the past two years without DeCastro and it’s reflected in his recently shuttered GoFundMe account, that last pulled in donations a year ago.

Another potential protégée and one time possible love interest, Jessica ”Rage Girl Radio” Tyciak, took interest in auditing from both DeCastro and SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes.

When she attempted to audit a Department of Motor Vehicles facility in Pennsylvania and ended up arrested for trespassing, she caught the attention of DeCastro. DeCastro appeared enamored with the YouTuber despite the fact that she had a fiancée, and arranged to help pay for an attorney to defend her from the charges.

Eventually, DeCastro paid her a visit when he was doing an East coast swing which resulted in DeCastro’s ill fated attempt to recreate her experience at the same DMV on the same day as her trial. Tyciak’s lawyer was too busy with DeCastro to show up for her hearing, resulting in her conviction.

Afterwards, Tyciak severed ties with DeCastro as she has thanked Reyes and not DeCastro in recent days for inspiring her to get into auditing. Her GoFundMe has sat at a single $20.00 donation for the five months since she opened it with no help in promoting it from either major YouTuber.

Another YouTuber who came in an out of favor with DeCastro comes in the form of Jeremiah Payne. Once someone that DeCastro tried to help after a world-famous arrest, the pair fell out of favor as DeCastro failed to help Payne as he became increasingly demanding of DeCastro’s time and efforts.

While the pair recently briefly reconciled to a point, DeCastro did nothing to promote Payne’s GoFundMe campaign, which has sat at $80.00 for the past year.

Sometimes a creator can do everything right but isn’t quite the fit that DeCastro likes and will not get promotion. Basil “BZWatchDog” Zangare has been a loyal soldier for DeCastro, going out of his way to stand up for all of DeCastro’s causes and being a firm promoter of his products and ideals on each of his livestreams.

Zangare’s problem? He’s more of a shill for former DeCastro replacement host Michael Ehline. There is bad blood because Ehline’s livestreams on DeCastro’s channel used to outdraw DeCastro’s own livestreams by a significant margin. While he’s doing everything DeCastro asks and is a lapdog when needed, DeCastro will never pay Zangare back for his efforts.

The Help BZWatchDog Hold Police Accountable GoFundMe campaign has sat and sat and sat for the past two months, raising $215.00 out of a goal of $2,500.00.

Finally, there’s the strange case of Craig Hendry. Hendry has been a real friend to DeCastro over the past two years. They’ve talked on the phone about the constitution and their philosophies on life. If there’s one person who could be described as an actual friend to DeCastro, it would be Hendry.

Hendry’s jailing in November of 2025 and his subsequent conviction brought many promises from DeCastro. Those included funding his commissary and help for his GoFundMe campaigns, including the campaign to fund Hendry’s appeal of his recent conviction.

For his part, DeCastro completely ignored Hendry’s appeal campaign. It’s sat at $885.00 out of a goal of $15,000.00 for the past three months. Hendry’s generic GoFundMe, however, raised over $1,400.00 in the first few days of the year. It’s still the overall leader from all of the campaigns we cover for the year, however…

It fell off a cliff in mid-January when DeCastro became increasingly obsessed with finishing his Constitution HQ board game. It raised no money for February and has shot blanks for March. Its fate is in DeCastro’s hands, and he has chosen to ignore it.

So for “Chille’s Angels,” our advice would be get outside legal help. Do not in any way shape or form rely on DeCastro for legal aid or legal advice. His history has shown that he is too volatile to rely on and holding favor with him is important, even if he’ll do little to actually help your eventual legal case.

As far as fundraising, our advice is to take whatever money DeCastro is offering, then rely on outside sources for financing. If going the GoFundMe route, promote it before the news of the arrest fades and DeCastro simply forgets about any plight they may be going through.

Chille’s Angels’ plight brought no impact to DeCastro’s own crowd sourcing campaigns as he put up goose eggs for Thursday and Friday. Our own On-Going Expenses fund won the day for Thursday with a $5.00 donation and Friday with a $70.00 donation, both sponsored by long-term hate watchers.

Sadly, because of their actions of petty revenge, this column will live to see another week.


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