Wallace Loses Beard, Gains The Studd in New Updates

YouTuber and sex tourist Floyd Wallace suffered a blow to his ego on Friday as he lost his beard due to an accident with a barber earlier in the day.

Wallace, who is notorious for refusing to change clothes, shower, or get a haircut unless his fans donate money to his various fundraisers, was getting a rare haircut and beard trim when he explained that the barber cut too much from one side of his beard, resulting in his decision to remove the rest of the beard.

What could not be explained, however, was why Wallace allowed the man to go on to shave his head. His new haircut is ill-fitting and strange for Wallace’s head and should be a reminder not to use a barber who you cannot communicate with in their native language.

Wallace’s fans picked on him for the hair but were instantly distracted by the fact that Wallace was now accompanied by the woman known as “The Studd,” who most of Wallace’s more appearance focused fans hate.

The Studd is a masculine woman, who Wallace has previously used to cook, clean and chauffeur him around Colombia.  The pair had a massive falling out at the end of Wallace’s last trip as he was ditched by another girl and took the Studd to a resort town in his last days in the country.

Wallace became upset when the Studd opted to stay with her family in a nearby town instead of with Wallace, who expected her to perform the same services at his Airbnb as sort of a live-in maid and sexual object as she had previously been doing.

When the Studd was an hour late for their planned date at the resort, Wallace had anger management issues, swore off The Studd and proceeded to film himself doing all of the activities by himself.

Wallace’s fans cheered their breakup, as The Studd’s appearance and masculine qualities were not appreciated by the majority. They took every opportunity to insult and degrade her where possible and cheered on Wallace for breaking up with her in such a harsh manner.

Her appearance on the live stream has brought the same negative reaction towards her from his core audience. With several leaving the same sort of negative messages and attacks on her appearance and character as before.

Always divisive when she appears, despite how well the woman treats Wallace (cooking, cleaning, driving, being a general nice person and partner for the YouTuber), her appearance becomes an issue as Wallace’s brand focuses on teaching his audience how to pick up the most attractive women in the countries he visits.

Wallace’s Friday night live stream focused the pair walking around Bello Medellin, Colombia, for 15 minutes before Wallace entered a shopping mall and his signal was disrupted. He did not return to streaming after that.

The YouTuber has returned to Colombia despite still owing money for his probation fees and recently launched a campaign to allow his fans to pay the fee while he continues his sex tour of the country.

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