Wallace Las Vegas Arrest Footage Released

The Welsh News Network released a 3 minute 26 second bodycam segment from the Sergeant on duty at the Las Vegas Metro Police Substation on the day that Floyd Wallace and Jose “Chille” DeCastro came in to complain about Wallace’s arrest at the substation the day before.

Featuring an enraged DeCastro and a somewhat passive Wallace, the video, said to be the first in the series, essentially captures the sergeant interacting with the pair after the pair had demanded a sergeant when the worker manning the reception area said she could not help them unless they presented identification.

In the brief segment, the sergeant is seen walking from an office to the lobby before engaging with the YouTuber and asks how he can help the pair. After asking DeCastro to be respectful and receiving insults in return, the sergeant asks how he can further help DeCastro before leaving to retrieve complaint forms requested by the YouTubers.

This is the first in a planned series of releases by the Welsh News Network.

ReallyCoolNews works in conjunction with the Welsh News Network. Reporter/Owner Jim Finch appears as a panel member on Welsh News Network broadcasts.

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