Wallace Breaks Down, Talks About Illness

Floyd Wallace briefly broke down as he was confronted with his own words by SnoTravels, a YouTube user who paid to be on Wallace’s panel Saturday night, in a strange moment for the YouTuber who normally denies that anything is wrong with his world or his actions.

Wallace allowed SnoTravels up on his panel for a $20.00 donation that would be applied to his fees for a Texas conviction that Wallace says is preventing him for leaving the country. SnoTravels is a notorious critic of Wallace, who spends most of Wallace’s live streams badgering and reminding Wallace of his faults.

His inclusion on the panel was either a brilliant move by Wallace, who raised $60.00 towards paying off his Texas fine during the nearly four hour long livestream and another $30.00 in super chats, or a terrible mistake on Wallace’s part as SnowTravels came prepared with sound bites of Wallace’s previous comments to use against him.

Upon arrival on the panel, SnoTravels asked Wallace why he was pretending to love Colombia so much as he had previously commented on over a half a dozen live streams that he hated the country. Wallace broke down and said that absence may have made him grow fond of the country, but later admitted that Colombia was the easiest place where he could “get laid before going to jail.”

Unlike his earlier live stream, where he stated that he was doing everything in his power to avoid jailtime, this time he seemed resolved to his perceived fact that he would be receiving two months in jail for interfering with an officer in an Oklahoma arrest in 2023. Wallace is currently scheduled to receive sentencing on a blind plea by an Oklahoma judge next month.

The YouTuber admitted that the only real reason why he was trying to delay the trial was to have as much sex as possible with women in Colombia before going to jail as his attempts to find sex in the United States had failed. He revealed that a recent attempt at “pay for play” with an acquaintance failed as he had apparently paid the woman, and she had not shown up to follow through with the sexual contact.

As Wallace filled his panel with more paying members of his community, SnoTravels posed to Wallace a question as to why he always forced his Passport Bro fans to pay for his fines from actions committed when he was acting as a first amendment auditor.

Wallace candidly stated that both of his First Amendment auditing channels were followed by “white people” who hated him and would never pitch in. He went on to say that while his Passport Bro fans hated him, they always came through when he needed them to pay for all of his expenses.

Opening up further, Wallace revealed that he was suffering from arthritis, ADHD and schizophrenia, which gave him uncontrollable bouts of anger. While he wouldn’t confirm a medical diagnosis, he did say that his conditions played a part in his arrests as his anger was a contributing factor in his problems.

Ending his candidness with his current plans, he said he still planned to fire his lawyer to cause a delay in his upcoming court action in Oklahoma, go to Colombia for as long as he could afford to (delaying the trip to November if needed), then come back to the United States in order to go to jail for up to two to three months.

During his time in jail he would have all videos prepared to be released on all of his channels using YouTube scheduling. He would then get a job working construction for two to three months before leaving the United States for an extended sex tour of Brazil.

He did not report on what he’d do about his warrant in New Mexico, but did not seem concerned about it as the conversation drifted away from serious topics.

Wallace still has $71.00 to go on his Texas fines with a supposed Tuesday deadline. He had claimed he would put $60.00 “of his own money” towards the fine if his chat came through with the other half of the money. It is unclear where that stands as of press time.

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