Wallace Arrested in Arkansas

Jose “Chille” DeCastro waited until the end of his poorly attended Friday night stream in order to announce the breaking news that associate Floyd Wallace was in jail in Texarkana, Arkansas, for disorderly conduct, fleeing and assault of a police officer.

Wallace had been arrested on Thursday in the parking lot of a police station in Arkansas. DeCastro played a phone conversation he had with Wallace who said he wasn’t doing anything and that the police officer approached him, kicked him twice and put him in handcuffs after he dropped his wallet and went to retrieve it.

The story later changed, as Wallace elaborated, that he was doing a first amendment audit of the parking lot when he was approached by a sheriff who said that he knew what Wallace was doing and when Wallace went to congratulate him for “passing” the audit, the officer attacked him.

Wallace told DeCastro that his bond for the disorderly conduct and fleeing charges were $245 each and no bond had been set for the assault charge, with Wallace stating that he would see a judge “Monday or Tuesday” to have bond set for the charge.

After finishing his call with Wallace, an enraged DeCastro then called the jail and demanded to know why Wallace was incarcerated for false charges. When DeCastro made the blanket statement that he would to “come to the jail,” the police officer DeCastro was speaking to asked if that was a threat, and DeCastro explained that it was only a threat to come to the jail and sue them for wrongly incarcerating Wallace.

DeCastro announced that he would be fundraising for Wallace “later in the week” once bail had been set for the final charge.

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