Turtleboy Claims Peter Bond to Be Revoked

Aidan “Turtleboy” Kearney broke news on his Twitter feed Monday night as he claimed that Kate Peter will be facing a motion to have her bond revoked at her next hearing for charges felony witness intimidation on Tuesday.

Kearney claimed that he had been asked by the Worcester County District Attorney’s office to testify against Peter in support of the motion, which will be heard at 8:30AM local time on Tuesday.

Peter stands accused of intimidating Kearney by having contact with him despite his protective order against her. Kearney received the protective order earlier this year as he claimed in court that he lived in fear of Peter and that he felt she was a danger to his life.

Kearney’s protective order says that Peter has to stand at least 30 feet away from him at all times. He willingly violated this protective order outside of the last hearing in the Karen Read murder trial earlier this month as he walked up to a police officer who was standing next to Peter and demanded the officer move Peter as she was in violation of his protective order and that he was in fear of his life due to her presence.

Despite officers on the scene declining to take action, Kearney claims that there will be a motion today to revoke Peter’s bond based on violations of his protective order, including this incident.

Kearney apparently backed down from his implied statement that he was in fear Paul O’Keefe, brother to victim John O’Keefe in the Karen Read murder trial as Kearney claims that the two men exchanged direct messages over the weekend.

As a result of the conversation, Kearney claims that the two men have agreed to go on a “double date” for a golfing outing and if Kearney beats O’Keefe, O’Keefe will donate $500.00 to Kearney’s legal defense fund. If O’Keefe beats Kearney, Kearney will donate $500.00 to Chris Albert’s D&E Pizza’s charity fund.

Kearney had been claiming that he lived in “fear” of O’Keefe’s statement over the weekend that he would “take him down” and speculation had been that Kearney would be seeking a protective order against O’Keefe based on this apparent threat.

Peter is due in court at 8:30AM local time for a scheduled status hearing in the Witness Intimidation case, Kearney claims he will be testifying for the prosecution at that hearing.

Future Jim here. According to a twitter post by Kearney, the hearing was held and the judge agreed to reset the distance Peter must stay away from Kearney. She now must be s100 yards away from the blogger instead of 10 yards. Kearney also claimed that Peter’s bond revocation hearing would be held at the end of August as Peter’s attorney appeared via Zoom due to a COVID diagnosis.

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