Things were looking up! This week we had unexpected people come out of nowhere to lead the race for the crowd sourcing title! BZWatchDog so dominated for a day! Craig Hendry was back, kinda! We even had some hot and dirty Lane Myers action over or GiveSendGo leading into the end of the week and… back to goose eggs.
There’s not a lot of reasoning for it more than this: There’s literally nothing going on to spark donations. None of our top players did anything on Thursday or Friday to get people to give them money.
They didn’t pass a hat; they didn’t hold livestreams to say GIVE MY CAUSE (or pocket or wallet or whatever) MONEY AT THIS LINK! Well, Kevin “The Angry Vet” Soper kind of did, but at the same time he promoted a website claiming he had a 501(c)(3) when he doesn’t have one so…
It’s the middle of January. The south is covered in snow. California is burning. Irish Demon is having another psychotic meltdown that is set to destroy fandom as we know it. In other words, there are tons of other things in the world that are distracting from the market.
I’m really trying to stretch this into a Bonafide article here but, gosh. It feels like it’s going to be a couple of days of absolute dreck as the market figures itself out again and someone does something worthwhile to spark donations.
A good “I’m a political prisoner locked up by THE MAN” video by Craig Hendry should be enough to do it, but, again, he’s in jail so those are going to be few and far between until we get the bigger cause to dominate the news and earn some bucks.
Or maybe, just maybe, people figure out that a week of goose eggs, days without donations to anyone, means that trained monkey Jim Finch can break the shackles of his AI overlords and stop writing this column!
He’s got six more days, yes, six more days until he’s free! But… will anyone care enough to stop him from going free this time? Oh well, had to try as we jump into the weekend.
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