The last day of the year wouldn’t be right without a check in with everyone’s favorite comedy channel, Uncle Arty, who is embroiled in controversy with Kevin “the Angry Vet” Soper.
According to Arty, Soper has threatened to sue the comedic channel over his continued mentions of Soper’s The Servicemen and Citizens for American Rights Society (SCARS) not being a legitimate non-profit organization.
Soper has been at the center of attention for most of the fall and early winter over SCARS and his claims that SCARS is a “true” non-profit organization. SCARS is not registered with the Internal Revenue Service and does not have an official tax-free status with the government at this time.
While Soper’s claims to be a “non-profit organization” may hod true for the business practices Soper emulates, when it comes down to being a registered non-profit with the government, Soper cannot show that SCARS is a registered non-profit organization with the IRS.
Why Soper is allegedly targeting Uncle Arty, a fictional character on a comedic YouTube channel with clear disclaimers that the channel and characters are fictionalized, is unclear. Parody is protected under the first amendment, and as much as we love Arty’s work, the financial gain Soper would make if he somehow won his promised lawsuit against Uncle Arty is negligible at best.
Besides the fact that Uncle Arty is reporting the truth. Even in fictionalized form. Dozens of reporters have covered the story, dozens of reporters have done the same searches. It’s all the same conclusion: Soper cannot prove his case.
The pattern by Soper, who claims to be a first amendment advocate, is troubling at best. Silencing critics who ask you to prove your claims is oppression of what you claim to stand for, and frankly, is more of a troubling pattern by Soper to lash out at critics rather than find solutions to end the problem that’s facing him.
Soper is still taking donations towards his SCARS organization, and took in $105.00 to his GoFundMe account for December, with no new donations as the year ended. We will continue to monitor the situation between Soper and Uncle Arty and provide updates should Soper go forward with his threats.
In GoFundme news, Liberty Troll took the last two days of the year with a combined tally of $525.00 over the two-day period. No other funds took in donations for the period. We will have our top ten report for December 2024 in tomorrow’s issue.
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