Kevin “The Angry Vet” Soper started his Friday night livestream lying in bed, from his home in Maryland, looking comfortable and preparing to address fans and “community members” who had angered him.
Soper apparently has been monitoring the chats of both Christopher “Direct D” Ruff and Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser’s side chats and saw people who he thought were friends of his, some who worked as his own moderators, who were openly disparaging Soper.
Calling out DebAnderson, LindaT and BloodBorn420 by name, Soper said that they were in Direct D’s chat disparaging him while pretending to be nice to his face. He was angered by their comments and struggled with the fact that they were part of his community but were so eager to stab him in the back by disparaging him elsewhere.
This brought up Soper’s continuing issues with the “First Amendment Auditing Community” which has splintered significantly since the gathering of “independent journalists” held in New Jersey on behalf of Leonard “Leroy Truth” Filipowski over the summer.
Since that time, Ruff has gone after members of the community, including Soper and Jose “Chille” DeCastro, when previously there was an unspoken rule that “independent journalists” who perform audits would not openly insult or criticize each other.
Soper himself has been going after former friend Terance Albert “Taco Terry” Tracy aka Annapolis Audits, after their friendship and partnership in Soper’s veteran’s organization ended in late summer.
Strangely, Soper himself has also “crossed lines” and has become friends with those considered “anti-auditors” as he has aligned himself with those trying to take down Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser.
Part of Soper’s Friday night struggles with the community came when he saw other veterans in the community openly donating to Kiser, who has been proven to be someone who has misrepresented his military background and has a long criminal history.
Soper did end the stream on a positive note, indicating that he was working with BZWatchDog on the incident he claimed he had with police in South Carolina earlier in the year.
BZWatchDog had been critical of Soper in the past, claiming that he could find no evidence of the incident, which Soper says left him with a brain injury, was reported by police. Apparently the two have patched up their differences and are trying to work together to expose the alleged incident.
Soper ended the livestream by again promising that he’ll release footage of the incident once his lawsuit against the police is filed.
The Boost SCARS’ Mission for Veterans and Citizens GoFundMe campaign saw a single $5.00 donation for Friday, coming in second to Liberty Troll’s Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights campaign, which took in $20.00 in donations.
No other campaigns received donations for the day.
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