Teflon Regan Benson Gets Off on Library Charges

Regan Benson announced via YouTube release of bodycam footage on Friday that she had beat the charges stemming from an incident where she was accused of harassing an Allied Security Guard at the Englewood Public Library.

This was the case that was somewhat influenced by Frauditor Troll as Benson alleges that his call to the Englewood Emergency Dispatch center resulted in the charges being filed against her.

For those who do not want to read the statement, hang around, we’ll be releasing the dramatic reading of Benson’s statement by PANTS later today, which will be linked above.


Headphone Listen.

If you don’t already know this story, here’s the short version: Englewood PD, with the help of a one dirty city attorney by the name of Sergio Renteria, drummed up harassment charges on me and issued a warrant for my arrest back in March 2024, for recording an Allied security guard. The DA thought it would be fun to run with the case, even though the cops lied, submitted lies into discovery and of course broke the law for submitting evidence per the LE integrity act in Colorado.

The DA dismissed the case this past Tuesday once my attorney PROVED that I was innocent. You know, good ol American Justice, JustUS style, guilty until proven innocent.

While somewhat boring, important to note your tax dollars at work; drummin’ up drama on the clock.

What is ALL of this about? Using the public restroom. That’s it. If you would just comply with the SS and sign your name to a clip board to use the public restroom, all this criminal prosecution could ALL be avoided!

These fine specimens of feminism get together for a whine session about Regan Benson. They’re drumming up a criminal case on me, using anything they can possibly think of to influence this cop, Englewoods “go to gal” who is VERY in touch with their feelings.

The star of the show is of course public employee, Library Supervisor, Corinne Barnett (the bimbo behind the computer) collecting an annual salary of $89k, while her boss, Bethany Lafferty, Library and Cultural Arts Manager collecting a $119k a year, fills the cop in on alleged criminal activity she and her gal pal NEVER EVEN WITNESSED. Ol Bethany tells lotsa lies, therefore Corinne joins in on the fun!

Here’s that one time during COVID where Corinne (which by the way, I had no clue who this woman was until she and her gal pal teamed up to get me prosecuted this year) feared for her life because I’m a very “frightening person”:    • Corinne Barnett and HER mask LAW on D…   I’m frightening?

This is why Corinne thinks the cops work for her and she’s STILL a bit bitter in 2024 about them not doing her bidding to address her feelings back in 2021:    • Englewood Cops for the win today!  

As far as Bethany goes, the ultimate liar in chief, here’s the the extent of our conversations about her adhoc non-existent library policy for the honor of using the bathroom:    • VIP Bethany Lafferty  

Here’s that other interaction Bethany is referencing, where she claims I’m harassing and blocking people from getting into the library as this is my second interaction with her EVER, and yes, I knew exactly who she was contrary to her giggly story telling to the cop, that I didn’t know who she was @1:10:30: https://youtube.com/live/jqm3cS8hG8g?…

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