Auditing Insanity Newscast 01/03/25

Chille DeCastro wants to lead you to victory after Donald Trump destroys the country! Says he’ll use the mayor’s office when he’s running for governor to… something? Speaks for 4 and a half hours and no one cares! Glenn Cerio waddles the streets of Seattle, again! Insults police officers! Refuses to give family privacy as their deceased family member is taken away by the coroner’s office! Long Island Audit pays his fines in quarters and dimes! Oh, that sly dog! Plus: Who won December’s GoFundMe title? Hint: it wasn’t us! Boooo! All this and more on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

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Liberty Troll Win Streak Ends After Incredible Run

The GoFundMe market cooled over the weekend as Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund unparalleled streak of daily donations, powered by SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes, came to an end.

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LIA Gives Liberty Troll Another GoFundMe Win

The terrific ride of Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund on the back of SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes started to fade on Thursday, the third day of a GoFundMe win campaign that took Kueker’s fund from the depths of obscurity to the top drawing fund for the month.

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Long Island Audits Crowned King of Fundraising

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proved to be the King of fundraising again on Wednesday as his promotion of Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund took the GoFundMe title on Christmas day.

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Week in Review December 1, 2024

The week in review for December 1, 2024. Featuring Jose “Chille” DeCastro getting his channel back, lots of Craig Hendry funding stories, and the return of Floyd Wallace!

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GoFundMe Report November 24, 2024

In probably the best day for the market since September, we almost had an actual top five for Saturday as four out of the twenty-nine campaigns we follow had gains, with three of those gains passing the $50.00 mark.

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GoFundMe Market Report November 18, 2024

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes dominated Sunday with a staggering take after his new video saw fans chip in to more than cover the $70.00 parking ticket he got during a protest using his video billboard truck in New York.

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Auditing Insanity Newscast March 11-12

Did DeCastro screw up his federal lawsuit featuring his Ironton case in Nevada AGAIN? Will a judge allow it to go forward? Lane Myers says that Direct D tried to assassinate him! Blames Jim Freedom and Mitch for assault on his windows! Says he has the FBI involved! Direct D laughs off accusations! What really happened in Arizona? Plus: Glenn Cerio disrupts a job fair! Well, at least he’s looking for work… I guess. All this and MORE on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

Direct D Responds to Attack Claims by Myers

Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s inevitable response to Lane Myers’ to allegations that he was behind an attack on Myers’ house came Tuesday evening with an unexpected reaction from the YouTuber.

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