Auditing Insanity Newscast February 16, 2025

Chille DeCastro announces another rebranding, a brand-new to-be-announced name for his game (to be announced) and the fact that he hasn’t showered “in days!” He was stinky, delirious and rambling in his latest live stream! Does anyone care anymore? Anyone? Anyone? Lane Myers comes crawling back and is in the black for the first time in a month in the crowd sourcing market! $15.00 is $15.00, ya’ll! Plus: Various YouTubers going to court this week! See the who what where and whys!

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Court Round Up: DeCastro, Wallace and Wrangler

Our late Sunday morning started with a note from reddit user Laurie3040, who indicated that Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser was transferred from Oklahoma to the Etowah County, Alabama, Jail this morning.

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Auditing Insanity Newscast February 7-8, 2025

Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser says he was “Constitutionally Offended” by late court notice! Challenges police to come get him after arrest warrant! Surprised when police show up and he goes in custody! Plus: BZWatchdog plots new audits while raising money for his legal defense! All this and MORE in this edition of Auditing Insanity!

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Fraudit Wrangler Apprehended in Oklahoma

In perhaps the least surprising outcome of a fugitive from justice story, Michael William Kiser, more widely known as Fraudit Wrangler, was taken into custody by Oklahoma police at 4:45PM CT on Friday, according to a post by his wife Kimmie Dawn.

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Wrangler Finds Court Notification “Constitutionally Offensive”

Directly addressing his fans for the first time since no-showing Wednesday’s “show cause” hearing in Etowah County, Alabama, Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser announced Thursday night that one of the reasons he decided not to appear at the hearing was that it was “constitutionally offensive” that he did not receive notice of the hearing from the court until February 1, 2025.

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Fraudit Wrangler No-Shows Show Cause Hearing

Michael “Fraudit Wrangler” Kiser made news again on Wednesday as he no showed a show cause hearing in Etowah County, Alabama, and a “nation wide warrant” that was supposed to have been issued for his arrest had yet to appear on his record as of early Thursday morning.

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