Long Island Audit Disrupts GoFundMe Market

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ “surprise” arrest on Wednesday brought in $2,701.00 from his supporters to his “LIA Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together” fund, which mysteriously went live and was featured in the description of his arrest video before his arrest.

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DeleteLawZ’s Very Last GoFundMe Round Up

Fans were stunned on Monday as Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced that he was shutting down his long running GoFundMe campaigns devoted to funding his both his legal defense against criminal cases and his move to sue various police forces and judges in pending civil cases.

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DeCastro Suspends GoFundMe Activity

Undeclared gubernatorial candidate and first amendment auditor Jose “Chille” DeCastro was recognized by multiple fans on his most recent live stream from Hollywood Boulevard in L.A. Monday night before making the surprise announcement that he had temporarily suspended his GoFundMe accounts.

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Long Island Audit Takes Sunday GoFundMe Title

SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes took the Sunday GoFundMe title with a $50.00 take for his “Support the Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption!” fund, bringing that fund to a 94% completion rate and trampling our own $10.00 take for our Ongoing Expenses fund.

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DeleteLawZ Propositions Cops on Walk of Fame

Jose “Chille” DeCastro returned to Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles late Saturday night to proposition police officers to abandon their use of “torture cuffs” and be the first champions of his cause to replace cuffs with his “digital detainment” system.

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Chille DeCastro to Start New Channel?

A lot has been made about Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s claim on Wednesday that “they” killed his channel and that he had no chance but to start a new channel; the announcement itself had no impact on the market at all with our own on-going expenses fund winning the day with a $10.00 take and absolutely nothing going to DeCastro’s coffers.

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Wallace Won’t Shut Up; Market Goes into Coma

After nearly a month without updates from YouTuber Floyd Wallace, his audience seemed to be a bit put off by Wallace’s second live stream in a row and his complete lack of anything to talk about on Tuesday.

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Denver Metro Audits Wins Sunday with $5 Take

Five Dollars. That’s it. Five Dollars to Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova by a single donor gave him the GoFundMe win for Sunday to give him an overall win for the Friday-Sunday period with an outstanding win.

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Apathy Towards LIA Highlights Half Month

It’s officially mid-month so we’re going to take our standard look at the GoFundMe market for the first half of September, after noting that our own on-going expenses account took Saturday with a $60.00 take, beating out the second place Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers, which saw a take of $25.00.

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Fundraising Darling Wallace Found?

The market returned to normal on Friday with our own on-going expenses fund taking the top position again with a $10.00 donation, however, more importantly, we may have found out what happened to the long-lost king of fundraising, Floyd Wallace.

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Latest Posts

Long Island Audit Makes Fashion Statement with Protest

Continuing his one-man protest to raise money for his various personal endeavors, SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proudly walked through the neighborhood where Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder lives wearing black and wearing a face mask concealing his identity.

Direct D Confirms Doxing by Lane Myers

Friday morning saw a scary moment for viewers of Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s Christopher Ruff channel as a business partner of Ruff’s was featured on his late-night live stream claiming that someone had poisoned his dogs and one of his dogs was dying in front of him.

Glenn Cerio Challenges Deputy to Mutual Combat

American activist and snappy dresser Glenn Cerio returned to YouTube Thursday with a new video released to YouTube featuring the first amendment auditor challenging a Snohomish County sheriff to “mutual combat” at the Mukilteo Speedway Center in Mukilteo, Washington.