Long Island Audit Banned from County Office Building

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes most recent produced video on his YouTube channel featured his recent visit to the Westchester County Office Building in Westchester, NY, after seeing his picture on display on a security station inside the building during a video produced by fellow first amendment auditor, Auditing Eerie County.

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DeleteLawZ Turns Fundraiser Into Circus

Two days after claiming to have raised $1,300.00 for hurricane relief efforts, DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro is facing a backlash from users as he apparently attempted to scrub all evidence of the fundraiser from the internet.

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DeleteLawZ Holds “Hurricane” Fundraiser

Returning to his “fundraising roots,” DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro went live two times on Monday, as part of a fundraiser he claimed he was holding for YouTuber Alan Hubbs, who would take all the money that was raised and buy groceries with it and personally distribute the groceries to the victims of Hurricane Helene, which recently hit North Carolina.

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DeleteLawZ DeCastro’s Decline Continues

Recently reminiscing on life, Jose “Chille” DeCastro, DeleteLawZ, stated that he was once viewed by millions of people a month, he had tremendous influence, and he was recognized wherever he went and was now just a normal person because of the horrific shadow banning undertaken by YouTube and a conspiracy by social media companies to hold him down.

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DeleteLawZ Funding Drama and Saturday Goose Eggs

On the first of two live streams Saturday night into Sunday morning, DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro reminded his fans that he was being forced to raise the pricing of his “indestructible” trifolds from $12.00 to $15.00 with $11.00 shipping and handling as of Monday morning.

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DeleteLawZ DeCastro Financial Woes Continue

DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s recent temporary exit from the GoFundMe race by suspending campaigns – without offering refunds – had little to no impact on the market this week as our own Ongoing Expenses campaign edged out Long Island Audit’s Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together fund by taking in $10.00 to the LIA fund’s $8.00 to win Friday.

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Long Island Audit Falls in GoFundMe Race

The recent reign of SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes as GoFundMe came to an end on Thursday as the king of all First Amendment Auditors was unable to capitalize on his recent arrest, bringing in only $5.00 for the day and being bested by our own On-Going Expenses fund with took in $10.00.

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September GoFundMe Title Goes to Long Island Audit

As expected, SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes late launch of his latest “unlawful arrest” fund took propelled him to the top spot for the overall GoFundMe crown for September, pulling in an impressive $4,221.00 for his Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together Campaign.

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GoFundMe Market Rejects Long Island Audit?

As expected, steep drops in support for SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes were observed on Friday as his campaign to raise $10,000.00 to defend himself from contempt charges in Nassau County, New York, has started to fizzle.

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Long Island Audit Needs Your Money – Honest!

Thursday’s live stream from SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes saw a focus on his current charges in Nassau County, New York, for charges of misdemeanor criminal contempt which, according to Reyes, is motivated by the police to financial drain Reyes to the point where he cannot afford to defend himself in court.

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Latest Posts

Long Island Audit Makes Fashion Statement with Protest

Continuing his one-man protest to raise money for his various personal endeavors, SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proudly walked through the neighborhood where Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder lives wearing black and wearing a face mask concealing his identity.

Direct D Confirms Doxing by Lane Myers

Friday morning saw a scary moment for viewers of Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s Christopher Ruff channel as a business partner of Ruff’s was featured on his late-night live stream claiming that someone had poisoned his dogs and one of his dogs was dying in front of him.

Glenn Cerio Challenges Deputy to Mutual Combat

American activist and snappy dresser Glenn Cerio returned to YouTube Thursday with a new video released to YouTube featuring the first amendment auditor challenging a Snohomish County sheriff to “mutual combat” at the Mukilteo Speedway Center in Mukilteo, Washington.

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