Hendry Pleads for Financial Support of Family

A jail house plea from Craig Hendry to help feed his family while he was in jail was not enough to take the GoFundMe market for the day as a $100.00 donation to SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together campaign took the day.

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DeleteLawZ Announces Pending Rebrand

DeleteLawz Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his live stream on Monday that YouTube was effectively killing his channel, and he would soon be rebranding under the “first amendment auditor” moniker on a new channel.

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DeCastro Laments Lack of Trifold Sales

DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro spent Wednesday night lamenting his lack of sales for his first amendment trifolds as he only pulled in a single sale during the three-hour live stream.

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DMA Loses Appeal – Will Refuse Federal Probation

Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova lost his federal appeal on Tuesday of his conviction of charges of ignoring official signage and recording in a restricted area at a Denver area Social Security Administration building in 2022.

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Direct D, LIA Dramas Revive GoFundMe Market?

Monday’s GoFundMe market was abuzz with unusual activity based on separate on-going dramas involving Christopher “Direct D” Ruff finding out he was on probation without being notified he was on probation and multiple incidents involving SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes.

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DeleteLawZ Forced to Raise Prices

Sunday was a rough night for DeleteLawz Jose “Chille” DeCastro as he was forced to announce the doubling in price of his “indestructible” trifolds from a $12.00 price point to a $25.00 price point before a $12.00 shipping and handling charge.

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GoFundMe Spotlight: Denver Metro Audits

Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova started his GoFundMe campaign about six months ago to raise $20,000.00 to fight charges of obstruction out of Sheridan, Colorado, which he claims he was innocent of.

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Long Island Audit’s Latest Stunt Fails to Spark Donations

With the GoFundMe market quickly dying down to various donations to SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ GoFundMe campaigns, following Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s departure from the market, Reyes’ latest stunt on Thursday did little to nothing to spur the market.

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Direct D Confirms Doxing by Lane Myers

Friday morning saw a scary moment for viewers of Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s Christopher Ruff channel as a business partner of Ruff’s was featured on his late-night live stream claiming that someone had poisoned his dogs and one of his dogs was dying in front of him.

Glenn Cerio Challenges Deputy to Mutual Combat

American activist and snappy dresser Glenn Cerio returned to YouTube Thursday with a new video released to YouTube featuring the first amendment auditor challenging a Snohomish County sheriff to “mutual combat” at the Mukilteo Speedway Center in Mukilteo, Washington.

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