Site Emergency Updates


The site it currently in rebuilding mode do tot a total database wipe. 

Live shows are off until Sunday.

I will be producing daily newscasts, however, just not today. We’ll have a doubleshot for tomorrow.

I ditched our old theme as its update killed everything, so we did spend some money today. If anyone wants to help out, you know our cashapp, gofundme, etc. Thank you in advance.

NOT our best day. Not our worst day. But dear god, it wasn’t one we were prepared for.

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Good morning, good afternoon or good evening (depending on your state of mind) and welcome to ReallyCoolNews!

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One Response

  1. Sorry to hear that. I hate when stupid updates make us rebuild what was working perfectly before they updated it… think what last week when a rouge update took out the airlines and banks etc just cause some idiot made a few mistakes in his coding…
    good luck!

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