Regan Benson Ends Homeless Outreach?

Activist and YouTuber Regan Benson changed the name of her YouTube channel to “5280 Outreach” Monday night along with a new note in the “about” section of the channel indicating that she was “rebranding.”

WARNING: This channel contains R rated language & is not always appropriate for children.

If you can’t handle that, this channel content is not for you.

My channel is currently in a re-branding process. For those of you that know me and my non-profit work, that chapter has officially ended.

You’ll find a variety of historical interactions on this channel that pertain to homelessness in Denver and the metro area. You’ll see how cruel and inhumane Denver City Government, Denver PD and the Denver FD have treated this marginalized community. You’ll see stories of how intent Denver City Gov. is at trying to jail me and shut down my vocal stance in preserving peoples rights to simply survive, while living homeless.

Government sucks. It destroys everything it touches. It seldom does anything right, except violate peoples rights on the daily, force taxation and incarceration for victimless crimes while victimizing victims, repeatedly. JustUs.


Benson had previously run the Helping Hands for Dignity Coalition non-profit group. According to the IRS tax exempt organization search ( search for “helping hands for dignity”) the coalition received tax exempt status in 2020.

Their publicly available tax return from 2020 shows $8,788.00 in contributions and grants to $5656.00 in expenses and $3,466.00 in assets. The primary expenditure for the organization is listed as “food” though no further description is given for that expenditure.

Benson is listed as the sole employee of the organization and is shown as working 40 hours a week for the organization in 2020, taking no pay for her services.

The coalition filed no tax return or e-Postcard for 2021 but filed e-Postcards for 2022 and 2023. Non-profit organizations are allowed to file e-Postcards instead of tax returns if they bring in less than $50,000.00 per year in gross receipts.

Benson has come under fire recently for her handling of her homeless outreach work, refusing to work with other groups and personally banning homeless people from receiving her services if they disagree with her anti-government philosophies.

The YouTuber most recently made headlines as she was ejected from the Englewood, Colorado, City Council meeting on Monday for disruption. She apparently violated both a local ordinance and a state law by standing and clapping during a public feedback session after being warned that she was disrupting the meeting.

“5280 Outreach” may indicate a pairing with the “Movement 5280” non-profit organization that has taken residence in Englewood. The group is based out of a former church in Englewood and claims that their focus is on providing a “family of support” for at-risk unhoused youth and young adults.

The increasing presence of the group in a residential area of Englewood has drawn protests from residents complaining of open public drug use by those using the group’s facilities, increased violence and crime in the area and lowering property values.

Benson herself has spoken in favor of the group at Englewood City Council meetings.

Regan Benson does not reside in Englewood, Colorado, but has taken a role of unofficial overwatch specialist in the recent past, focusing on bringing “reforms” to police and emergency services in the city.

The former activist is apparently actively purging her channel of produced videos, with the vast majority of her videos from the past two years being removed from public view overnight.

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Englewood, Colorado, is a small municipality located on the outskirts of Denver and currently has a population of about 34,000 people. It’s a conservative town, but not very big and relies on contracts with Denver to provide emergency services including fire and ambulance services.

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