In a late Christmas release of more e-mail from Jose “Chille” DeCastro, Collin “Project Constitution” Campbell exposed e-mails from DeCastro to Campbell’s replacement indicating that DeCastro would fabricate a central figure in his “American Patriot” video series.
The e-mail, dated September 8, 2023, goes into basic details of DeCastro’s new video editor’s basic assignment for the video series. After sharing formatting goals and keeping video lengths to 8 minutes and 30 seconds to 12 minutes, DeCastro discusses a fictional character he’d like to interject into the series.
DeCastro writes, “Additionally, remember that we can always create audio segments to tie elements of the show together. We have the creative liberty to introduce a fictional character, a ‘brother,’ whom I call home to discuss what’s happening in Ironton and my involvement there. We can craft voice messages that never existed to connect different parts of the show. We could incorporating moments where I contribute to the narrative through my Video Diary (that I was making at that time; even though I wasn’t). There is no limit to what we can create collaboratively.”
The YouTuber turned activist is alleged to have used another fictional character in his recent video “exposing” sexual abuse by Ironton police. In that video, an informant named “Brad” talked with DeCastro about the alleged abuse of teenage girls by Ironton police officers.
Terry Knipp, the Ironton Auditor, indicated during an appearance on the Welsh News Network that he believed the voice of “Brad” was that of former Ironton police officer Beth Rist, a known associate of DeCastro.
Knipp’s accusations along with the leak of DeCastro’s e-mail indicating that he would use fictional characters in his reporting call DeCastro’s status as a self-proclaimed “journalist” into question. If true, the accusations could do incredible damage to his reputation as a reliable and truthful news reporter.
This is a breaking news story.