Petty Benson on Full Display in Lakeside

Tuesday’s hearing of the Lakeside, Colorado, board of trustees saw the town vote to fire police chief, fire chief and mayor Robert Gordanier after Gordanier and daughter Brenda Hamilton were indicted by a Jefferson County grand jury for a car flipping scheme.

According to CBS News coverage, Gordanier approved selling multiple of the town’s police vehicles to his daughter Brenda Hamilton for prices as low as $300.00. Hamilton would then sell the cars on the open market for a substantial profit.

At hand at the meeting was activist for the homeless Regan Benson and man servant Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova, who had no place there other than to be on hand to witness the decision to fire Gordanier and allow Hamilton to resign from her position as City Clerk.

Benson had a number of documented run ins with Hamilton over the years. When the accusations against Hamilton surfaced last year, Benson and then sidekick Aurora Transparency picketed the Lakeside City Offices with signs mocking Hamilton for previously working at a massage parlor and accusations getting her job through nepotism.

The vendetta by Benson, who doesn’t live in the town and really has no horse in the game other than multiple verbal altercations with Hamilton, displayed yet another petty act of vengeance on the part of Benson, who has been known to “dance on the graves” of those people she doesn’t like or holds grudges against.

In this case, Hamilton’s actions cost her a job and may put her in prison. The board of trustees was there to go into executive session for most of an hour then make the decision in a very brief public session that took no feedback or statements from the public.

There was no need for Benson or Cordova to be there, as neither lives in the town nor had published immediate news stories on the events.

Benson was there to simply live stream the smiting of her perceived enemy and to immediately dance on her grave. Nothing more or nothing less. Chomping her gum loudly as she waited for the news, then laughing giddily afterwards as her latest foe fell in front of her.

Or, just another day in the petty world of Regan Benson.

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Five Dollars. That’s it. Five Dollars to Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova by a single donor gave him the GoFundMe win for Sunday to give him an overall win for the Friday-Sunday period with an outstanding win.

It’s officially mid-month so we’re going to take our standard look at the GoFundMe market for the first half of September, after noting that our own on-going expenses account took Saturday with a $60.00 take, beating out the second place Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers, which saw a take of $25.00.

The market returned to normal on Friday with our own on-going expenses fund taking the top position again with a $10.00 donation, however, more importantly, we may have found out what happened to the long-lost king of fundraising, Floyd Wallace.

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