TeamDLZ Disastrous Friday Website “Launch”

Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s long awaited launch of his TeamDLZ website went sideways on Friday as his fans were greeted by a countdown on the website that ended at zero at midday on Friday without an actual launch of the site.

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James Freeman Arrested During Traffic Stop

Anti-government activist James “James Freeman” Springer turned a simple traffic stop into an arrest on Wednesday as he was making his way home from the aborted Lexington Takeover in Mississippi.

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Benson Plan to Disrupt Library Meeting Foiled

YouTuber and “homeless advocate” Regan Benson and sidekick Aurora Transparency had their plan to disrupt the Englewood, Colorado, Library Board public meeting on Thursday interrupted as they were late getting into the meeting due to the presence of police outside the building.

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Rage Girl Radio Guilty of All Charges in DMV Case

In an expected move, the YouTuber known as Rage Girl Radio was found guilty this week of charges stemming from an incident where she essentially shut down a Pennsylvania DMV last year and ended up trespassed from the facility.

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Craig Hendry has Bond Revoked (AGAIN)

Controversy hit Craig Hendry again this week as he apparently had his bond pulled for a case in Vermillion County, Indiana, after being arrested for new charges in Sullivan County, Indiana.

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DeCastro Laments Lack of Trifold Sales

DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro spent Wednesday night lamenting his lack of sales for his first amendment trifolds as he only pulled in a single sale during the three-hour live stream.

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Lane Myers Experience Returns to Tucson

The Lane Myers experience returned to Tucson, Arizona, as he made an appearance at a planned hearing in the case of Judge Alexander Ball vs. the YouTuber known as Mark “The Reluctant Prophet” Kelly.

LIA Gives Liberty Troll Another GoFundMe Win

The terrific ride of Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund on the back of SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes started to fade on Thursday, the third day of a GoFundMe win campaign that took Kueker’s fund from the depths of obscurity to the top drawing fund for the month.

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