Overjoyed DeCastro Wins Wednesday GoFundMe Race

Jose “Chille” DeCastro won the day for Wednesday with a $20.00 take for his Lawyer Fund Only – All Dollars Go to Lawyers fund, doubling the take of our own On-Going Expenses fund for the day of $10.00.

DeCastro’s win was propelled by a single donation and ended a one-month dry spell for the fund, which hadn’t seen a donation since late July. It breaks the tie of worst recently performing of DeCastro’s funds, as now his Legal Defense Fund Crime Scene Tape Illegal Arrest fund stands alone as it has not received a donation since July.

DeCastro’s funds are not the worst on the list that we cover as others haven’t seen donations in quite some time.

Floyd Wallace leads the pack as his Thailand or Philippines tour campaign has not seen a donation in eight months.

Long Island Audit’s Help with Criminal Defense Attorney for This Case fund has been inactive for seven months while his Help LIA with Legal Fees to Fight Tyrant’s Lawsuit has been inactive for five months.

The Help For Public Safety fight fraud “RECOVERED” fund hasn’t had a donation in three months.

Blue Bacon’s Cover Defense Costs Against a Frivolous Lawsuit fund also has not seen a donation in three months.

Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova’s Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers fund hasn’t had a donation in two months.

The fake Support DeleteLawz from the tyranny he fights fund also has been inactive for two months.

Long Island Audit’s Unlawful Arrest & Constitutional Rights Violation joins the pack at two months without a donation along with his und Legal Defense Against Unlawful Arrest campaign.

Help BZWATCHDOG Hold Police Accountable hasn’t seen a donation in a month.

Just to Spite Chille DeCastro went backwards as the previous $15.00 take is now gone from the fund.



On that note, if we were to go without your love for over a month, we’d no longer have to do this column anymore! So, if you’d like to prevent that from happening and continue to force me to keep writing this dreadful column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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