Blue Bacon Responds to DeCastro Objections

The attorney for YouTube Alien enthusiast Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini filed his response on Tuesday to Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s objections to his previous motion for summary judgement in the ongoing lawsuit of DeCastro vs. Kate Peter, Team Skeptic, Daniel Clement and Pierattini.

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Regan Benson Ends Homeless Outreach?

Activist and YouTuber Regan Benson changed the name of her YouTube channel to “5280 Outreach” Monday night along with a new note in the “about” section of the channel indicating that she was “rebranding.”

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GoFundMe: Too Apree Joins a Dead Market

We start the day with the usual look at the GoFundMe market. Everyone has gone without a donation for another day, while our own On-Going Expenses fund took the day with the normal $10.00 donation to keep this column going.

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DeCastro Endorses Trump with a Catch

Jose “Chille” DeCastro surprised his fans Tuesday night by endorsing former president Donald Trump with a list of conditions should his favorite, independent candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., drop out of the presidential race and endorse the former president.

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GoFundMe: We win! Everyone loses! (Again)

It was more of the same on Tuesday with our ongoing expenses campaign taking the day with a $60.00 take from two donations, including $10.00 from our mysterious benefactor who shall forever remain nameless as she or he torments us from parts unknown.

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Too Apree Arrested in Florida

Actor and YouTuber Asif “Too Apree” Kahn was arrested at the end of July in Groveland, Florida, for failing to comply with an official order after receiving seven citations for having illegally tinted windows on his car.

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Multiple Jeremy Dewitte Trials Delayed

Both the Jeremy Dewitte NEWS by Police Tube’s Uncle and the So You Dated a Police Impersonator YouTube channels announced that Jeremy Dewitte’s up-coming trials have been delayed to August 29, 2024, and September 3, 2024.

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DeleteLawZ Runs from Problems in Saturday Livestream

Fans of YouTuber Jose “Chille” DeCastro were delighted as the YouTuber seemed to “nope” away his troubles on his first YouTube livestream Saturday after having a massive failure in court the day before.

FAPA Calls Himself Victim After Felony Attack Arrest

The first amendment auditing community split down traditional lines on Sunday as the first amendment auditor known as the First Amendment Protection Agency (FAPA) released highly edited footage of his Friday arrest for pepper spraying a senior citizen.

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