DeCastro vs. LVMPD – Going to Trial?

Judge Andrew P. Gordon issued a 51-page ruling Friday afternoon partially granting Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s multiple requests to reconsider previous rulings in his lawsuit against the Las Vegas Metro Police Department (LVMPD) while granting the LVMPD partial summary judgment on a number of DeCastro’s claims.

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Demon Trolls CodedFriend (Again)

YouTuber CodedFriend.oo1 went live on his Thursday afternoon live stream with news that he had tracked down the sister of Irish Demon’s former girlfriend Laura and then went live with the alleged sister (“Lisa”) with a tale that Demon had fathered and then abandoned a child with Laura.

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DeCastro Searches for Police Outreach

Jose “Chille” DeCastro returned to the hard streets of Las Vegas late Thursday night local time as he again approached a group of police officers to question them on his personal thoughts on replacing the use of handcuffs with “digital detainment.”

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Denver Metro Audits Wins Thursday

Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova’s “Defend DMA in the fight against corruption & oath breakers!” won Thursday with a $100.00 take from a single donation, ending a two-month dry spell on the heels of his announcement that he was suing police for an arrest earlier this year.

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DeCastro Licks the Boot of Justice (Again)

Jose “Chille” DeCastro spent his 50th birthday livestreaming to his fans, screaming about police and being triggered by police treatment of Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill during his arrest on Sunday.

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Benson Returns to Denver CAB Meeting

A year after being arrested at her previous appearance at the Denver Commander Advisory Board meeting Regan Benson was joined by Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova as she live streamed from the meeting in the city.

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Market Flat for 9/11 Remembrance Day

There were no gains on for the market on Wednesday with the observance of 9/11 taking the wind out of the market giving investors a chance to reset and rethink while some hard truths are delivered as Chille DeCastro, and others, received bad news from Social Blade.

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DeCastro Street Walks for Cop Encounters

Despite claims that he was heading back to Los Angelas the day before, Jose “Chille” DeCastro spent the eve of his birthday walking the streets of Las Vegas looking for interaction with police officers at traffic stops.

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For Public Safety Remonetized by YouTube

As if this one wrote itself, just as we wrote that everything to do with Christopher “For Public Safety” Reiter was a pain in the ass and not worth covering in our last article about him, he announced that his channel was remonetized and the crisis he was facing was over.

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DeleteLawZ Runs from Problems in Saturday Livestream

Fans of YouTuber Jose “Chille” DeCastro were delighted as the YouTuber seemed to “nope” away his troubles on his first YouTube livestream Saturday after having a massive failure in court the day before.

FAPA Calls Himself Victim After Felony Attack Arrest

The first amendment auditing community split down traditional lines on Sunday as the first amendment auditor known as the First Amendment Protection Agency (FAPA) released highly edited footage of his Friday arrest for pepper spraying a senior citizen.

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