Karen Read Defense Blames Prosecution for Confusion

Tuesday’s motion hearing in the on-going preparation for Karen Read’s retrial offered a lot of excuses, a big admittance and not much else out of the defense as the subject of the independence of the ARCCA witnesses was finally dealt with; and oh yes, the pesky end of the federal investigation came up as well.

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Auditing Insanity Newscast February 23-24, 2025

It’s always FAPA! FAPA! FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPA! DeCastro protégée dominates news following his assault on a senior citizen! Sucks wind from sales of DeCastro as DeCastro tries anything to cover up his inadequacies following his recent blunders! Can DeCastro come back after being surpassed by his understudy? Plus: Long Island Audits and DeCastro drive the crowd sourcing market into the ground! Goose eggs for everyone on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

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DeleteLawZ and LIA Under Perform to Sink Market

We’ve been taking a good look at the markets for first two months of the year and things are bad, bad to the point where not even former heavyweight earners SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes and Jose “Chille” DeCastro may be able to bring things back from the brink.

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FAPA Calls Himself Victim After Felony Attack Arrest

The first amendment auditing community split down traditional lines on Sunday as the first amendment auditor known as the First Amendment Protection Agency (FAPA) released highly edited footage of his Friday arrest for pepper spraying a senior citizen.

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Auditing Insanity Newscast February 20-22, 2025

Bad week for DeleteLawZ! He screws up and refuses to participate in hearing in his own lawsuit against Blue Bacon! Judge punts court dates and orders his lawyer to get his act together! Long Island Audits is also having a bad week! His attempts to revive a dead case in Illinois failed, his lawyer quit, and he’s putting all his hopes and dreams into a backdated appeal of the verdict in the case! Scare for Carolina in Fort Worth! Short retrial hearing becomes two-hour ordeal as new Judge hammers her attempts for a retrial in case that saw national news coverage! Plus: DeleteLawZ’s “Constitutional Law Scholar” game is now “Constitution Headquarters,” what the what? Was “Project Constitution” taken? All this and more on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

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DeleteLawZ Fumbles Spectacularly at Hearing

In a case where the defense has complained about Jose “Chille” DeCastro doing everything possible to delay or obstruct proceedings even after sanctions and warnings by the Judge, DeCastro made the unusual choice not to file an opposition motion required for Friday’s sanctions hearing, delaying the case yet again.

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Carolina in Fort Worth Loses Bid for Retrial

Friday was another day at the Tarrant County, Texas, courthouse for Carolyn “Carolina in Fort Worth” Rodriguez as she was unsuccessful in her attempt to get a retrial for her conviction for interference in police duties in a case that drew national attention last summer.

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Auditing Insanity Newscast March 5, 2025

Long Island Audit runs into new problems in switching attorneys in his lawsuit against New York City! After one quits, the new one can’t get her act together to properly practice out of state? Jose “Chille” DeCastro contends that there’s a nationwide conspiracy to flood YouTube with bodycam evidence! Says that police are repairing image in the wake of the George Floyd protests! Plus: Floyd Wallace finally gets himself to jail! See his mugshot and read the details of yesterday’s sentencing! All this and MORE on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

DeleteLawZ Details Nationwide Psyop Theory

An increasingly paranoid Jose “Chille” DeCastro went live again on Tuesday with a second in a planned line of attacks on YouTube channels featuring police bodycam videos which he alleges are part of a nationwide psychological operation on behalf of the police.

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