Craig Hendry Found Guilty in Felony Stalking Case

Activist and “political prisoner” Craig Hendry reported in an jailhouse address to his followers Saturday night that he had been convicted of felony stalking and two of three misdemeanor counts of harassment in Vermillion County, Indiana.

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DeCastro Claims Victory in Post Hack Livestream

There was a sense of at least insane victory in the air Saturday night as Jose “Chille” DeCastro returned to livestreaming following a series of porn bombs Friday night into Saturday morning that left the YouTuber in a sympathetic position.

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GoFundMe Report November 24, 2024

In probably the best day for the market since September, we almost had an actual top five for Saturday as four out of the twenty-nine campaigns we follow had gains, with three of those gains passing the $50.00 mark.

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DMA to Demand Payment from Those People He “Helps”

On his Friday afternoon livestream, Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova addressed being “drama free” and his recent decision to avoid being involved with a cause unless he gets paid for his time and efforts towards that cause.

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Rest in Peace, GloberMom

YouTube legend GloberMom’s husband released a video short on her YouTube channel on Friday confirming that she had passed away from cancer earlier in the day.

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DeleteLawZ Threatens Future Police Officer

DeleteLawZ Jose “Chille” DeCastro was a bit more aware and a bit more energetic on his Monday night livestream, again starting after 11PM Eastern time and focusing on more anti-police videos and a direct threat to a person who was attempting to sign up for the police force

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Lane Myers Claims Setup at Court Hearing

In a confusing partial audio-only video, Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s latest man crush, Lane Myers live streamed a hearing in Tuscon, Arizona’s city court on Monday that he called a “setup” to serve him with another injunction.

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DeleteLawZ Runs from Problems in Saturday Livestream

Fans of YouTuber Jose “Chille” DeCastro were delighted as the YouTuber seemed to “nope” away his troubles on his first YouTube livestream Saturday after having a massive failure in court the day before.

FAPA Calls Himself Victim After Felony Attack Arrest

The first amendment auditing community split down traditional lines on Sunday as the first amendment auditor known as the First Amendment Protection Agency (FAPA) released highly edited footage of his Friday arrest for pepper spraying a senior citizen.

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