More Dramatic Karen Read Twitter Reactions

Reactions to Karen Read’s appearance on 20/20 on Friday have again dominated the Twitter feeds we follow. Here are some select posts that sum up the latest developments in the case.

Julie Carpenter tweeted:

Four seconds. Only four seconds.

According to John’s phone, there was only a four second period he could’ve been inside the house.

Four seconds when the cell phone signal weakened and his location expanded to the front of the house. Four seconds during which he would’ve had to enter the house without being seen, gotten into an altercation without yelling, been attacked by a dog without barking or growling , sustained a debilitating head injury, and found his way back to the lawn with his phone to the exact spot Karen dropped him off that night. Four seconds.

Karen Read wants you to believe this. She wants you to forget about her taillight at the scene. She wants you to ignore the taillight embedded in John’s clothes. Overlook his DNA on the taillight housing and hair on the car. Pretend as if reversing 62 feet at 24 mph didn’t happen. Act as if there is nothing suspicious about her knowing the exact location where John lay dying in the pitch black and blinding snow. Disregard she called Kerry Roberts and told her John was dead before he was found.

But no matter how many distractions she creates, no matter how many lies she tells, she will never, ever be able to overcome four seconds. Four seconds.

Aidan Kearney tweeted:

Yesterday I interviewed a juror in the Karen Read trial. Found out some fascinating things. They are the 6th juror to confirm 12-0 on murder. Said it was decided on the first day, and that an engineer in the jury convinced them that the ARCCA guys were paid off by an insurance company or Turtleboy. They said that 2 jurors wanted to go to Auntie Bev and alert her of the acquittals, but that the foreman insisted that they couldn’t until they were unanimous on all 3 counts. They want the jury to make a public statement. This juror is willing to speak with me again. What should I ask them that I didn’t in this interview?


Tara Kerrigan and other McAlbert supporters whined on 20/20 that we booed the OKeefe family. This is the greatest hoax they tell. Here is the Okeefe family entering court on 7-25. No one recognized them so I instructed the crowd who they were and urged people NOT to boo them. They pretend like this video doesn’t exist because it debunks their lie.

Yellow Cottage Tales tweeted:

Life in the #KarenRead Fast Lane I recently said Karen said she watched John go to the door and put his head inside. Some dumbass FKRer said, essentially, see, Kevin is lying again! All he does is lie! Sigh. The level of misinformation and derangement with these people is breathtaking. All I can really do is keep grinding out the truth and hope eventually the Horde snaps out of him. It’s truly alarming the state of humanity in this state. The need to believe is so powerful with them, that like religious converts, they live in a land of Make Believe. So I’ll just keep grinding out truth and logic.

Finally, Kate Peter tweeted:

If you can’t be respectful to #JohnOkeefe’s family and friends, you are not advocating for the victim.

You’re advocating for yourself and your conspiracy nonsense by exploiting a victim.

We will continue to monitor twitter for more news and opinions from this case.

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