Market Flat for 9/11 Remembrance Day

There were no gains on for the market on Wednesday with the observance of 9/11 taking the wind out of the market giving investors a chance to reset and rethink while some hard truths are delivered as Chille DeCastro, and others, received bad news from Social Blade.

DeCastro, who celebrated his birthday with a surprise live stream on Wednesday night, has suffered an 81.5% decline in new subscribers for the past 30 days and a 66.2% decline in video views for the same period. Happy birthday.

For once, he gets credit for not lying about his figures as it seems that the people who were (allegedly) artificially inflating his numbers (as his interaction rate is crap compared to literally every other creator we follow) seem to have stopped.

His channel, while still gaining subscribers, and stands at 619,000 subscribers to 307,047,357 video views, seems to be slowing down as the steep decline in interest is noticeable.

In relation to other big names that we follow, and declines attributed to the end of summer and children returning to school, there’s no reason for it other than to guess that it’s either a lack of bots or paid viewership as his content hasn’t changed to justify the huge declines.

Bizarrely, YouTuber Direct D, who recently changed format to encourage to a “spilling tea” format and attacking his fellow auditors, also has seen huge declines with a 60% new subscriber drop and a 72.5% drop in video views for the last 30 days.

His 301,000 subscribers and 87,845,324 video views are enough to keep his channel afloat but makes one question if the recent format change wasn’t due to a sudden need to attack his competitors, but a need to turn to controversy to shore up his sagging presence on YouTube.

Another YouTuber who has recently changed formats, allegedly abandoning her homeless outreach program, is also seeing huge declines. Her new subscriber growth is flat but she’s down 53.5% in video views for the last 30 days.

This one is standard reason for the losses: she’s stopped regularly putting out content. She’s retooling and relying on Christopoher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova to produce her work. With the loss of the Englewood City Council meeting and the loss of homeless outreach, her viewers are being starved of the reason for why they’re coming to the channel.


Turning to the industry standard bearer, Long Island Audit, this channel is also down, with a 22.2% drop in new subscribers and a 15.9% drop in video views in the past 30 days. We’d previously say this was a severe drop, but it’s literally easily attributable to seasonal changes. He’s doing what he’s always doing and shouldn’t be too concerned about the losses.

Finally, as predicted, we’re about to hit steep declines with a 10.7% drop in new subscribers and a 28.9% drop in video views for the last 30 days. This one is simple. We provide simple but boring content, and we went a few weeks month without our biggest draws – the nightly watch parties in vertical format.

Hate it if you have to, but YouTube has deemed that you must submit if you want to receive promotion and we’ll be doing our token broadcast almost every day to keep up with the algorithm.

On that note, as we dress for dinner of stray pelicans and shuggies, we’d be remiss if we didn’t remind you that you can continue to force the dread writer Jim Finch to keep writing this dreadful column each day by contributing to the GoFundMe run by this very channel ( All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on

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YouTuber Floyd Wallace went live for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, sharing his feelings on American woman and making a plea for his viewers to pay his penalties for a Texas conviction so he can return to his life of sex tourism.

A lot has been made about Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s claim on Wednesday that “they” killed his channel and that he had no chance but to start a new channel; the announcement itself had no impact on the market at all with our own on-going expenses fund winning the day with a $10.00 take and absolutely nothing going to DeCastro’s coffers.

In another example of the decline of his channel, SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes released an edited video with the premise that he was going to “confront” Union City, New Jersey, Mayor Brian P. Stack, but instead turned the bulk of the “confrontation” over to Leonard “Leroy Truth” Filipowski.

Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced on his Tuesday afternoon live stream that he had “won” over the Las Vegas Metro Police Department in his lawsuit and will be “going above” the current judge and taking the case to the circuit court before asking his chat to brigade the judge in the case for “lying” about him in a recent ruling.

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