Long Island Audits Crowned King of Fundraising

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proved to be the King of fundraising again on Wednesday as his promotion of Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund took the GoFundMe title on Christmas day.

The fund took in $195.00 in new donations on the holiday, with Reyes’ own “Fund Legal Defense Against Unlawful Arrest” coming in second for the day with a $10.00 donation. No other campaigns recorded donations for the day.

With the record tally for the holiday, Kueker is now in the lead for the monthly fundraising title. His $1,755.00 take edges out our own $1,730.00 take for our On-Going expenses fund. Craig Hendry’s “To Support Craig’s Work” fund is currently in a close third place with a $1,610.00 take through little help of “Master Fundraiser” Jose “Chille” DeCastro.

Reyes’ incredible fundraising efforts on behalf of Kueker come as Reyes really didn’t put any extended effort into the fundraiser. He recorded a new opening and a new ending for an existing Kueker video and included the link to Kueker’s GoFundMe. Reyes’ 860,000 subscribers did the rest in literally minutes after he released the video.

By comparison, former “King” of fundraising, Jose “Chille” DeCastro, with 625,000 subscribers, tends to promote his fundraising efforts in his near-daily live streams. Alas, even though he claims to be the top first amendment auditor in the world, he struggles to bring in more than 200 of his subscribers per livestream and often needs multiple fundraisers in order to reach anywhere near the $1,755.00 total Reyes has brought in for Kueker in just two days.

While it’s really an unfair apple to pear comparison, we do doubt DeCastro’s ability to repeat Reyes’ success through a stand-alone video as DeCastro no longer has the power to bring in large numbers of viewers to his channel.

DeCastro’s videos do between 6,200 and 8,000 views respectively in their lifetimes on YouTube. Reyes’ videos are currently pulling in between 162,00 and 430,000 views. His latest video pulled in 4,100 views in the 17 minutes since it went live this hour.

The gulf between the two auditors’ viewership levels is seemingly insurmountable at this time. One would wonder if DeCastro would be better off buying commercial time on Reyes’ stand-alone videos or livestreams in order to promote his Constitutional Law Scholar board game than promoting the game on his own channel.

Our data shows that if DeCastro wants to set the world on fire with the game, as he claimed to have a vision of doing when he was in jail, it may come to advertising on other, bigger, channels to bring him the success he’s promised.


Both ReallyCoolSite.org’s daily newspaper and our daily newscasts are funded by your continuing donations and what we make from our YouTube AdSense revenue each month.

If you’d like to contribute to help us keep the lights on, eating, keeping the cats fed and writing new stories to feature on both the newspaper and newscast each day, we do have a GoFundMe set up at: https://gofund.me/76d87459

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