Long Island Audit Visits Sing Sing Prison

Sunday saw the latest video release of SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes, an attempted audit of sorts from outside of the Sing Sing Correctional Facility in Ossining, New York.

Stopping about 200 yards from the guard tower protecting the maximum-security facility, he passed by a fence with instructions on restrictions for entry into the buildings. Reyes did not show any signs restricting access to the area.

Reyes calmly walked onto the property and continued towards the facility until a guard in a guard tower asked him if he needed help. A female security officer then drove up and asked him what he was doing in the area.

The YouTuber explained that he had every right to be where he was as there were no signs limiting access to the public. When the female guard pointed out that there were posted signs saying that it was state property, Reyes questioned the meaning of State property.

In Reyes’ explanation, State property was paid for by the public, making it public property. As a taxpayer in New York State, it meant that it was his property and he had every right to access it, especially since there were no signs restricting access.

Three men in red shirts reading that they were “weapons training officers” arrived on scene and got the same responses to their queries from Reyes. At one point there was a standoff with the security guard and officers standing around doing nothing and Reyes wandering around aimlessly.

A fifth security guard arrived on scene when Reyes tried to leave on foot down another road at the side of the facility. He explained that it was private property, which Reyes immediately challenged as it was state and not private property under the definition provided by Reyes.

After hours of essentially standing around and letting the sun start to set, Reyes ended the encounter and walked away, proclaiming another victory.

Reyes’ actions have done nothing to spark the GoFundMe market as for another day, none of his GoFundMe campaigns have picked up any new donations. Saturday was actually won by our own Ongoing Expenses campaign which saw a $10.00 donation to win the day.


Despite the GoFundMe Market being dead, this publication is funded by your donations along with what little we make from our YouTube channel per month. While we did achieve “full monetization” on YouTube we still need help to get through monthly expenses and keeping the lights on to bring you the paper and the newscast each day.

If you can afford it, please consider donating to the GoFundMe run by this very channel (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds literally go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org. If you can’t afford to contribute, please WATCH THE ADVERTISEMENTS on our videos, like, share, subscribe and comment. You CAN help by doing next to nothing and we thank you in advance for pitching in!

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