SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes released another pre-produced video of the YouTuber “auditing” a correctional facility, this time Hudson County Corrections & rehabilitations Center in Hudson County, New Jersey.
The video featured Reyes in his normal act within a police facility, openly recording officers while he approached the front desk. He asked for information on visiting hours and was referred to the visiting center in the next room.
Upon entry to the room, Reyes was told that recording was not allowed in the building, and he went into his now standard challenge of policy vs. law and that it was his constitutional right to film within the building.
Reyes was asked to leave the area and went back into the lobby when facility officials closed off entry to the welcome center and would not allow him to re-enter.
After skirmishes with several correctional officers, Reyes had an extended question and answer session with a lieutenant on scene, who gave Reyes details of the visitation process and hours of operation.
Reyes, satisfied with his answers, went out to the parking lot, where he featured edited interactions with other members of security who were concerned about him filming the grounds.
His new video brought a $50.00 donation to his Support the Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption campaign, which won Sunday’s GoFundMe activity.
Other donations on Sunday included a $25.00 donation to Craig Hendry’s on-going campaign, $15.00 to Liberty Troll’s Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights fund and $10.00 to our own On-Going Expenses campaign.
Monday saw no donations to Reyes’ funds, with just a $20 donation to Craig Hendry’s fund to win the day.
With the latest activity, Reyes maintains his lead over everyone else currently active in the GoFundMe market.
His Fund Legal Defense Against Unlawful Arrest campaign stands at $16,351.00 out of a $20,000 goal.
The Help LIA with Legal Fees to Fight Tryrants Lawsuit stands at $1,891.00 out of a $2,500.00 goal.
His Help with Billboard Truck Purchase to EXPOSE Tyranny campaign sits at $11,671 out of $20,000.
Reyes’ Help with Criminal Defense Attorney for this Case fund has made $21,650.00 out of a $25,000.00 goal.
The Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together fund has made $4,464.00 out of $10,000.
His Support the fight Against Tyranny & Corruption fund has made a staggering $51,723.00 out of a $55,000.00 goal.
Finally, his Unlawful Arrest & Constitutional Rights fund has made $2,423 out of a $10,000.00 goal.
Despite the GoFundMe Market being dead, this publication is funded by your donations along with what little we make from our YouTube channel per month. While we did achieve “full monetization” on YouTube we still need help to get through monthly expenses and keeping the lights on to bring you the paper and the newscast each day.
If you can afford it, please consider donating to the GoFundMe run by this very channel (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All donations literally go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org. If you can’t afford to contribute, please WATCH THE ADVERTISEMENTS on our videos, like, share, subscribe and comment. You CAN help by doing next to nothing and we thank you in advance for pitching in!