SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes filed his pro se response to an emergency motion to sanction Reyes for airing a deposition of a defendant in his ongoing case against the City of Berwyn, Illinois, on his YouTube channel in defiance of a court order.
Reyes blamed his former attorney, Gregory Kulis, for the early February incident, which he now claims was a simple misunderstanding of the protective order imposed by the Judge in the lawsuit. The Youtuber was allowed to record the deposition of the defendants with the explicit agreement that he could not air the footage on his YouTube channel.
The footage aired on Reyes’ channel in early February, resulting in an almost immediate emergency action by the defendants, who asked for the video to be removed and for sanctions to be imposed on Reyes.
It also caused an almost immediate split between attorney Kulis and Reyes, with Kulis withdrawing from the case citing irreconcilable differences with Reyes for his departure. His motion to leave the lawsuit was granted in late February.
Reyes’ motion essentially argues that he’s always acted in good faith in the lawsuit. He complied with the orders from the judge about the deposition footage until his misunderstanding with Kulis which left him to assume he could use the footage as he liked when the case was dismissed earlier in the year.
He further argued that he set the video to “private” as soon as he was instructed to by the court, which showed he acted in good faith and because of his good faith actions, sanctions cannot be applied to him.
Reyes is asking for the complete denial of the defendants’ emergency motion, the understanding that he only released the video due to an “honest mistake” and an acknowledgement of his contention that he has a history of complying with court orders.
The next hearing in the lawsuit has been stayed until Reyes completes his appeal of the dismissal of the lawsuit and the emergency motion to the 7th Circuit.
All was not bad for Reyes, however, as his crowd funding sources may have not brought in new donations on Saturday, but did bring him $5.00 in a single donation to his Support The Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption fund to win Sunday.
That fund stands out from all his campaigns with a total of $5.00 taken in for March and $295.00 for the year.
No other campaigns received donations on Saturday or Sunday.
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