Long Island Audit Makes Fashion Statement with Protest

Continuing his one-man protest to raise money for his various personal endeavors, SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proudly walked through the neighborhood where Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder lives wearing black and wearing a face mask concealing his identity.

Reyes explained that he was protesting Nassau County’s new law that made wearing a face mask in public illegal. He also explained that he was protesting the decision by Commissioner Ryder to send two masked thugs to his house in 2024. He said the men crossed county lines and were unsuccessful in apprehending Reyes for trespassing charges.

He continued explaining this fact dozens of times during the broadcast, telling everyone he encountered about the incident and sometimes just randomly reminding his viewers of all the known misdeeds of the police commissioner.

When asked why he didn’t use his $162,000.00 electronic billboard truck as part of the protest, Reyes said it was too nice a day for the truck. Instead, residents of the neighborhood were treated to the sight of Reyes wearing black pants and black hoodie and hat, both on sale on his website, while he lumbered through the area holding up his phone to document his every move.

Reyes eventually encountered a police officer, who claimed to be responding to a call from concerned residents who thought Reyes might be lost or in medical distress. Reyes was offended by this, then spent time attempting to challenge a resident who yelled a vague threat at him from across the street.

The YouTuber would later encounter the officer again, as multiple police vehicles would eventually make their way to Commissioner Ryder’s house. They were apparently summoned for an “incident” at the home which may have been Reyes walking by the police commissioner’s son as he exited the home.

No arrests were made, and Reyes declared his protest a success soon afterwards. He then celebrated his victory by walking back to his car and leaving the area.

Reyes got a minor victory on Monday in his on-going lawsuit against the New York City Police Department. His new attorney, Karen Munoz Trevino was successfully added to the case with pro hac vice status. She will be representing Reyes going forward.

Of course, Reyes’ protests did little to spark the markets as our own On-Going Expenses campaign took Wednesday with a $25.00 donation, and the entire market was rolling in goose eggs for Thursday with no observed donations.


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