Long Island Audit Fumbles Attorney Change in NYC

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ attempts to have a new lawyer named to take over his lawsuit against the City of New York at least temporarily failed as attorney Karen Munoz Trevino’s attempt to appear Pro Hac Vice on his behalf was denied due to a filing error.

Attorney Munoz Trevino is the latest attorney presented to represent Reyes from the LatinoJustice PRLDEF civil rights organization. His previous attorney, Norma Esquivel, also representing LatinoJustice, asked to be removed from the lawsuit on February 4, 2025.

The court wrote on Monday:  NOTICE REGARDING DEFICIENT MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE. Notice to RE-FILE Document No. 121 MOTION for Karen Munoz Trevino to Appear Pro Hac Vice . Filing fee $ 200.00, receipt number ANYSDC-30702373. Motion and supporting papers to be reviewed by Clerk’s Office staff. The filing is deficient for the following reason(s): missing Certificate of Good Standing from Supreme Court of Texas; motion needs wet signature because different pacer account;. Re-file the motion as a Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice – attach the correct signed PDF – select the correct named filer/filers – attach valid Certificates of Good Standing issued within the past 30 days – attach Proposed Order.. (bc)

Essentially, Karen Munoz Trevino is an attorney based in Texas; she is not licensed to practice law in New York State. Should her request be approved, she’ll work with a local attorney to vouch for her in order to practice in the state.

Her request was denied as she didn’t include a valid Certificate of Good Standing from the Supreme Court of Texas. Which again, would vouch for her credibility as an attorney in the state of Texas. The attorney will need to resubmit her motion with the required documentation and correct the PDF errors before it the motion will be considered.

Reyes is suing the City of New York over a discrepancy between the on-going policies by the New York City police to limit the ability to record in police precincts as they conflict with New York’s Right to Record laws.

The vague Right to Record laws give citizens the ability to record police in the course of their duties. It does not carve out exemptions for police designated non-public and limited-public forums, which have long been held as lawful.

Reyes contends that his 2023 arrest for recording in a police precinct is illegal under the Right to Record laws and is seeking for the Right to Record laws to give citizens the advertised right to record anywhere police are on duty.

The lawsuit has lingered for nearly two years and Reyes currently is the only citizen in New York who has the ability to record in police precincts due to an injunction by the Judge in the lawsuit.

These developments did nothing to jump start Reyes’ crowd funding campaigns which, along with the entire market, put up goose eggs for the sixth consecutive day.


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