LIA, Too Apree Rinse and Repeat

SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes and Too Apree offered separate but equal new videos over the weekend offering their viewers more of the same, with Too Apree going into his Emo character and Reyes harassing yet another Pennsylvania area DMV.

Too Apree was dressed as his “Emo” character, with black lipstick, an all-black outfit and a black fishing hat as he walked through the Design District in Miami, interacting with as many people he could find while holding his camera.

Reactions were mixed, as most of those he encountered gave him puzzled looks before walking away from him or just not giving a reaction. A few asked for him to stop recording them, which he complied with after the initial interaction.

Apree had successful interactions with security guards, who, rather than hassling him, laughed and joked with him and simply guided him away from areas where their employers were reacting negatively to him.

Otherwise, Apree had no other real negative interactions security guards or police, didn’t have any memorable encounters with interesting people, didn’t do anything to get himself arrested and provided a few minutes of entertainment to his fans.

SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes, like Apree, went into “mostly harmless” mode and stuck to his script as he went live from a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot) facility in New Castle, Pennsylvania.

You’ve seen this script before. LIA says a few words about upholding the constitution before walking into an unsuspecting DMV. He encounters an employee who tells him of their policy that doesn’t allow filming in the facility. He says that policy isn’t law and policy doesn’t trump the constitution.

LIA then does something obnoxious; police are called, and the facility follows PennDot policy and shuts down until he goes away.

We’ve seen this so many times before that I had to check to see if this was a rerun. Sadly, it wasn’t.

Police arrived on the scene, with one asking if he was “Long Island Audit” and shaking his hand before going into the facility.

The PennDot worker asked him to leave, patrons of the facility became angry at LIA as the facility was shut down and Reyes edited the most negative interactions with the patrons into the video.

To his credit, Reyes blurred the face of a woman and her underage daughter who nicely asked him to stop recording them but admitted that he did not blur the images of the other patrons as they were “rude” to him.

Police asked him to leave, he asked if he’d be arrested if he didn’t, the police said he would be so he left, promising that the police would be “held accountable” for their actions.

Rinse and repeat.

The video has had 178,694 views as of press time.

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