The terrific ride of Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund on the back of SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes started to fade on Thursday, the third day of a GoFundMe win campaign that took Kueker’s fund from the depths of obscurity to the top drawing fund for the month.
Taking in $50.00 in new donations from three combined supporters, Kueker’s fund was the top draw and only draw for the day as no other funds received donations. That $50.00 puts Kruger well ahead of our own Ongoing Expenses fund, to top the monthly GoFundMe race with $1,805.00, almost all taken in over the past four days.
While starting out dreadfully slow, December has rebounded to be one of the best fundraising months of 2024. The month has seen $5,280.00 in total donated as a combined tally to seven different funds, bringing the overall tally for all the funds we follow to $229,575.00 out of an overall $728,550.00 goal.
While Kueker’s fund is cooling, with the winds from SeanPaul Reyes that propelled it skyward slowly dissipating, Reyes’ hot air propelled the fund to an 11% overall completion rate. It currently stands at $3,340.00 out of a $30,000.00 goal. Not a huge gain in the overall race, but an amazing run for a week that shouldn’t have brought it so much attention.
In second place for the month, our own Ongoing Expenses fund stands at $6,145.00 out of a $10,000.00 goal, and a 61% completion rate. We didn’t have the advantage of a SeanPaul Reyes restream to bring in the big bucks quickly. Instead, we rely on our wonderful donors to keep us afloat each month and we’re forever in your debt for keeping both the newspaper and the newscast alive.
Third place also brings a straggler. Craig Hendry’s “To Support Craig’s Work” may not have been the campaign they wanted to promote but promote they did. Word of mouth and an address by Hendry brought the fund to $5,081.00 in total for the month and a 127% completion rate.
We can’t overlook Hendry’s influence, even while in jail, to get the word out and to bring his fund into the running for the top fund for the month of December, especially after a disastrous start and an abandonment by Jose “Chille” DeCastro.
DeCastro has made it clear that he doesn’t hold fundraisers in the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, even with a family and a self-described “good friend” in Hendry in desperate need of his help.
Perhaps things will change now that the holiday season is coming to an end, but with DeCastro’s influence waning and Hendry’s influence growing from behind bars, tables may eventually turn, and Hendry may need to hold fundraisers for DeCastro.
Stranger things have happened, and it’ll be something to watch in the new year.
Both ReallyCoolSite.org’s daily newspaper and our daily newscasts are funded by your continuing donations and what we make from our YouTube AdSense revenue each month.
If you’d like to contribute to help us keep the lights on, eating, keeping the cats fed and writing new stories to feature on both the newspaper and newscast each day, we do have a GoFundMe set up at: https://gofund.me/76d87459
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