Free speech advocate and first amendment rights protector Lane Myers’ fundraising efforts fell off by mid-week as his GiveSendGo campaign cratered following a nice start to the week, as Myers deals with pending legal matters.
The all-around bastion of liberty has refrained from promising early morning FBI raids this week, which may have stifled some of the reasons his fans had for giving to his on-going campaign.
After starting last week strong and taking in $540.00 when he accused Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s associates Freedom Jim and MitchLovin’ of attempting to kill him, Myers took in another $70.00 in the early parts of the week.
Myers was indicted in Arizona Superior Court last week on six felony charges of Aggravated Harassment, one count of Stalking, and seven counts of misdemeanor harassment.
Despite expectations of a huge out-pouring of support from his fandom, Myers’ campaign flatlined by mid-week, taking in $0.00 in donations for both Tuesday and Wednesday.
In unrelated news, market leader Craig Hendry was given a thirty-day delay to file his opening brief and appendix to his appeal for his felony stalking and misdemeanor harassment charges in Indiana.
The Judge in the case granted the extension as an exhibit was file by the prosecution in electronic form but had yet to receive a physical copy. The order orders the prosecution to supply a physical copy within 5 days and then gives Hendry’s attorney 30 days to file his opening brief and appendix.
Hendry became the market leader at the start of the year with a $1,400.00 take in early January but has not had a donation in the months that followed.
Returning to market results, our own On-Going Expenses fund took Tuesday with a $70.00 donation, followed by SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ Support the Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption campaign, which took in $10.00.
There were no winners on Wednesday, as the market was again filled with goose eggs.
Both ReallyCoolSite.org’s daily newspaper and our daily newscasts are funded by your continuing donations and what we make from our YouTube AdSense revenue each month.
If you’d like to contribute to help us keep the lights on, eating, keeping the cats fed and writing new stories to feature on both the newspaper and newscast each day, we do have a GoFundMe set up at: https://gofund.me/76d87459
As real American and true protector of the first amendment Lane Myers has made multiple threats to sue us in recent days, portions of all donations may also go towards fighting any possible future lawsuits.
If you can’t afford to contribute, please watch our entire videos, like, share, subscribe and comment. You CAN help by doing next to nothing and we thank you in advance for pitching in!