Katie Kidman Subject of Welfare Check

YouTuber Katie Kidman’s most recent video involved the blonde sensation encountering two police officers who were sent to do a wellness check on the YouTuber as she had parked her van in another wealthy neighborhood.

Kidman, who lives in the van, was legally able to park in the residential neighborhood at the time of the wellness check as the street is considered to be public access and beyond the homeowner’s property line.

The officers explained that they had been summoned to perform a welfare check and noted that they had observed “violations” from the tint on the windows of her van. When one inquired if she was “staying in her van,” she refused to answer the man’s questions and wanted to know who was concerned about her welfare.

Again, the officers expressed the concern of the residents of the community were the cause of the wellness check. They offered her assistance if she was in need or unhoused, to which she said was “pretty weird man.”

Kidman went into a long rant about the “clown” outfits the police were wearing and asked how they went to the bathroom. The officers were taken aback by her question and explained they were normal people like she was, which prompted her to ask if a law was broken to cause the officers to be summoned.

One of the officers again explained, they were there not to enforce anything and were there because the neighbors were concerned about her health. She again refused to answer questions when they asked if there was someone else in the van with her and if anyone needed help.

As the officers walked off, they complimented her outfit, and she said that she knew who called in the check on her. She indicated that it was the owner of the house she was parked in front of. She also complained about one of the officers’ “fancy dancy hat” and that the officers banged on her van to summon her.

At the end of the video, a female neighbor inquired if she was okay before the video ended.

Kidman’s odd behavior has been on display as she recently “audited” the Ventura County Public Library, a 7-11, the outside of a dentist’s office, and multiple Scientology owned properties.

The YouTuber has previously claimed that she has a sister who is a Scientologist who “disconnected” from her on orders of the church. She has made various anti-scientology rants during videos and has expressed displeasure as the church’s teachings differ from Christianity.

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