Lane Myers and his attorney made two appearances in court on Thursday where they proclaimed Myers’ innocence as the Myers was in the midst of an “I am Spartacus” moment, where harassing videos made against his alleged victim, Shannon Walker, couldn’t be traced back to Myers because “so many people” were uploading them.
The pair also alluded to the notion that there is a national movement to support Lane Myers, that all sorts of people were coming together in outrage.
They went on to imply that the YouTuber has received national news coverage and there’s so much interest and so many people participating together to harass the alleged victim that everyone who harassed the alleged victim would have to be prosecuted and it’s more of a mess than the court system was built to handle.
The so-called “I am Lane Myers” movement, according to them, with so many people rising to harass the alleged victim that, essentially, like Spartacus’ followers in the legendary movie, Myers should be free of the charges against him because everyone’s doing it.
Let’s give them the good news first.
Lane Myers’ GiveSendGo account made $650.00 for Friday, with three donations, one of them for $500.00. The donations skyrocket him well past our own Ongoing Expenses account, which pulled in $205.00 from two donations for the day, and has firmly put him in a tie with Craig Hendry for the yearly lead at $1,475.00.
Myers has raised and impressive $1,460.00 for the month but… Jose “Chille” DeCastro has proven time after time that he can draw thousands of dollars in big money donations in a single night than Myers and his national movement can ever put up.
In fact, just this month, DeCastro raised over $2,000.00 in a single night to raise money for “Chille’s Angels” (Thomas “LetzOTVO” Prowitzky and Matthew “Brick Jonesy” Jones) to get out of jail in a state where no bond is charged in most cases. That’s right, roughly $2,000.00 was raised in under three hours for men who didn’t even need the money.
Myers supposed “I am Spartacus” movement has yet to materialize as well. Despite vague instructions for all of his fans to download and repost videos from his channel about the victim, as of Saturday morning, the “This is a Public Service” channel seems to the only channel to do so.
Parts of the two latest videos and the meme that resulted in charges against Myers were aired on John Filax’s Friday night show. Despite the presence of Myers supporters This is a Public Service and Reluctant Prophet, Filax seemed not to know much about the Myers case. Filax also put up the alleged victim’s contact information on behalf of his guests, probably without realizing that he was contributing to possible harassment.
Simple Google searches show a lot of returns for Lane Myer, the character John Cusack played in the 80’s movie ‘Better Off Dead’ but there is no coverage of the YouTube sensation.
Switching to the video tab, Myers’ own videos are listed here and there, with a small handful of videos from supporters Michael Ehline and Reluctant Prophet, and, of course, our coverage of Mr. Myers.
Our coverage of Mr. Myers has drawn his ire in recent days, but it’s coverage. It may be pointed to as “national interest” by Myers but, in reality, we’re a tiny YouTube channel that reports on first amendment auditors. The Lane Myers videos have drawn under 100 views on average, with three videos, including our outdated “Who is Lane Myers?” video, drawing around 700 views.
Even Myers on air mention of our channel and how he would be “serving us papers” resulted in no negative comments, no bump in numbers, and no significant outrage. While we’ve stuck his threat to sue in our disclaimer, no one has actually donated to our cause based on the threat he’s posed to our livelihood.
There’s no outrage.
There’s no hordes in the street.
There’s just the usual lack of support most first amendment auditors get in 2025.
Regan Benson most recently talked about apathy when she said she was quitting her own auditing endeavors. She said that she could raise money, and she could have a room filled with internet cheerleaders, but no one was willing to take the risk of an arrest to rise up for her cause.
For Myers’ “I am Spartacus” moment to work, his supporters must be willing to carry out the same acts that got him indicted for felony aggravated harassment, misdemeanor harassment and stalking.
In the current climate, with the Trump Administration clamping down on anti-government protests, his “I am Spartacus” moment has turned into him sitting next to another guy, with both saying, “I am Lane Myers.”
When one starts screaming about FBI pre-dawn raids that never happen, assassins sent by Christopher “Direct D” Ruff and the man starts stripping to dance to “Ice, Ice Baby,” it will be obvious who is getting taken in.
Both ReallyCoolSite.org’s daily newspaper and our daily newscasts are funded by your continuing donations and what we make from our YouTube AdSense revenue each month.
If you’d like to contribute to help us keep the lights on, eating, keeping the cats fed and writing new stories to feature on both the newspaper and newscast each day, we do have a GoFundMe set up at: https://gofund.me/76d87459
As real American and true protector of the first amendment Lane Myers has made multiple threats to sue us in recent days, portions of all donations may also go towards fighting any possible future lawsuits.
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