Is Regan Benson Fundamentally Insane?

It all started with bathrooms.

Englewood, Colorado, is a small municipality located on the outskirts of Denver and currently has a population of about 34,000 people. It’s a conservative town, but not very big and relies on contracts with Denver to provide emergency services including fire and ambulance services.

Because of it being so close to Denver, cough on a side street and you’re literally back in Denver, it shares some of Denver’s problems with the growing needs to house both a homeless population and an immigrant population with little resources or ways to manage either population.

Regan Benson says she’s about homeless outreach and finding solutions to housing needs. She operates the Helping Hands for Dignity Coalition, a 501(c)(3) organization that unlike Kevin “The Angry Vet” Soper’s organization, is actually registered with the IRS and she says it brings in under $50,000 a year so she doesn’t have to file a detailed tax return.

Taxes are a big issue with Benson as she’s fiercely defensive of her organization and any sort of oversight or public knowledge of what she’s doing with the money that she brings in. Remember that kids, while she holds everyone else accountable, she doesn’t want you to know what she does to maintain that tax free status.

Benson doesn’t live in Englewood. Despite her now claiming to live in the fictional cities of Utopia and Rough ‘n’ Ready, she lives in Denver, about an hour away from Englewood. She makes the drive nearly every day as part of her Batmanesque role in the city of Englewood, as, much like the caped crusader in Gotham, she’s gonna clean up the town.

A lot of people’s first exposure to Benson came when she and Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova decided to “audit” the Englewood civic center. The Englewood civic center is a converted shopping mall with the building occupied by the Englewood city government and parts rented out for use of churches, arts programs and other normally non-controversial entities. You don’t tend to think about them as they’re all a part of normal small-town life.

During that “audit” she asked to use the bathrooms on the third floor, which are reserved for employees only. She was denied. She asked again, she was denied again. This is when her vendetta began.

In the three years since the incident she’s show, despite having medical issues involving kidney stones that she’s discussed many times in graphic detail on the air, she is capable of easily making the walk or taking the elevator to the second floor to use the bathroom. It’s not an inconvenience, and if that, she’s shown it’s a minor one at best.

In 2023, the Englewood public library, housed in the same building, was found to have methamphetamine contamination. Parts of the library and all of the bathrooms in the building were found to have contamination and needed to be professionally cleaned and at least one bathroom needed to have a sink and countertop replaced.

For a couple of months, everyone who came to the facility needed to use external bathrooms set up outside the building. The third-floor bathrooms were also off limits as they, too, were scheduled for renovation during this time as the methamphetamine contamination was supposedly throughout the air vents, contaminating those bathrooms as well.

It sounds fishy, it probably is, but some money was used to refurbish bathrooms that Benson can’t use. That’s important.

As part of the renovations, a door that used to allow street level access to the library was permanently closed off. All residents must use an interior door to access the library from the civic center and most recently, a voluntary sign in program has been used to monitor access to the library bathrooms.

In what we’ve observed, Benson is still angry about the fact that her protests against the sealing of the door and the bathroom access went nowhere. She filmed herself verbally abusing an African American Allied Security Guard last year and received a temporary ban from the library, which was later overturned upon appeal. Criminal charges were filed against Benson for allegedly abusing the man were later dropped.

She blamed “Canadian” Fruaditor Troll for the hubbub. We shit you not, as the kids in the 80’s would say. The library staff and librarians are also a cabal of tight assed women who live in misery and are all against her because she is fundamentally right about all the issues, and they are “frigid bitches” who wouldn’t know a good time if they were slapped with a frozen salmon. Yeah, we don’t like that description either, but we fully expect it to be said in the coming days by someone in Englewood.

If you hadn’t noticed by now, Regan Benson has been observed to rage a lot. She turns simply things into vast conspiracies. She frequently tells her fans that the police are hunting her and that she’ll end up dead on the streets of Englewood at the hands of the corrupt police or at the hands of those in the homeless community who are out to “get” her.

To her credit, she tends to forget that she has a 501(c)(3). Unlike others, she rarely fundraises for her organization. She also does commendable work when she’s working with homeless people in 1:1 situations and she maintains a dedication to some of the folks that she works with long after they’re of any “value” to her cause as there are indeed folks she honestly cares about when she’s not playing “Batman” on the streets of Englewood.

Though part of the lack of need for money is the fact that she’s turned suing Denver into a for-profit industry, at least in our opinion. She won two lawsuits against the city last year for supposed mistreatment by the police and won “go away” money of $130,000.00 to settle two cases that more than likely would have gone in the city’s favor had they had years and the millions of dollars to defend it.

None of the money was apparently shared with her 501(c)(3). But don’t ask about that. It’s none of your business.

Benson seems, to the casual observer, to be hungry for more victories and payouts for herself, in our opinion based on observing dozens of Benson livestreams, and power, absolute power. Power over a government that she says she hates. Because, one day, one day, she’ll be able to use those third-floor bathrooms.

Her latest tirade, writing a partial name (“Regan”) and a fake city name (“Rough ‘n’ Ready”) on the signup sheet for Monday’s Englewood city council meeting’s public speaking session, resulted in Benson verbalizing a threat of a lawsuit and making it clear that she was out to get another win over the city and probably a payout.

The weird thing is that if you actually watch an Englewood city council session, which are available on YouTube, the sessions themselves are pretty benign. They have a study session for an hour, then an intermission, after the intermission the actual city council meeting starts with awarding of recognition to whomever is on the docket, followed by brief comments from the public, and then they go into actual discussion of issues.

In the live feed, there’s usually three minutes of controversy as Benson addresses the council, accusing the council of vast conspiracies, directly insulting council members and making a ruckus for her three minutes of time in front of about 20 people assembled and another 10 people watching the live feed.

On her channel, however, the 50 or so gathered viewers hear about the vast conspiracies that she’s promoting each week. The corrupt mayor, the cult leader who runs a church and rides an e-bike, the council member who conspires with CANADIANS(!), the council member everyone abuses, the anti-everything council member who sides with Benson and… the police who are lurking in the shadows to snatch Benson away without notice.

If the fictional city of Mos Eisley in the Star Wars universe was the “wretched home of scum and villainy,” then Englewood, at least in Benson’s version, is ten times as bad and she as Han Solo/Batman/Roger Rabbit is gonna clean up town.

Because they wouldn’t let her use the bathrooms on the third floor.

And that’s all we have to say about Regan Benson. Is she fundamentally insane? Who knows. Is she entertaining? Not really. Is she headache inducing? Yes, definitely. Is she a threat to herself or others? We’ll leave you to answer that one on your own.

She’s making bank. She’s getting’ viewers and ye-haw, she’s riding that crazy train to Englewood twice a month with continued coverage here in the paper and on our Auditing Insanity newscast. Payment not required but appreciated.

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