Lane Myers’ fundraising efforts have seen incredible gains following his recent indictments for eight counts of felony aggravated harassment and seven counts of misdemeanor harassment and his open defiance of his terms of release.
Myers posted the following update to his GiveSendGo campaign on Saturday:
March 15th, 2025
Lane’s videos about his court hearings involving an employee of the State of Arizona triggered the Pima County Attorney’s Office. Lane is facing eight counts of felony aggravated harassment and seven counts of misdemeanor harassment in State of Arizona v. Lane Myers, CR20251060-001. Despite the State asking for a $25,000 bond and NO internet access as conditions of release, Lane was released with no bond and ordered to remove the YouTube videos regarding the State of Arizona employee that triggered the State. The State is apparently unaware that it cannot be a victim of harassment. This matter is so urgent and egregious that the State has not yet informed Lane exactly which videos, or portions of videos, constitute felony harassment.
Lane’s videos are protected speech under the First Amendment and Lane plans to file an anti-SLAPP motion pursuant to A.R.S. 12-751. The anti-SLAPP law protects individuals who are criminally charged for constitutionally protected activity, such as free speech. The evidence is clear that the State’s prosecution is motivated by an intent to deter, retaliate, and prevent Lane’s lawful exercise of free speech.
While there was no initial reaction to Myers’ indictment on Friday, with the entire market dead for Friday, on Saturday, Myers took in $50.00 in new donations to dominate the day. This was followed by $20.00 in new donations to win the day for Sunday. No new donations were observed for the market on Monday.
Myers’ indictment and defiance, following the previous week’s allegations that YouTuber Christopher “Direct D” Ruff sent “assassins” to Myers’ house in an unsuccessful “assassination attempt,” have propelled Myers’ GiveSendGo account to the top of the mid-month charts for the month.
The YouTube Sensation has taken in $540.00 at midmonth in a dominating performance. Our own On-Going Expenses account has pulled in $140.00 to come in second place for the month, and SeanPaul “Long Island Audits” Reyes’ Support the Fight Against Tyranny & Corruption campaign is in a distant third place with a $5.00 take for the month.
The astonishing take for the month has propelled Myers into third place for the year with a $555.00 take, which follows our own On-Going Expenses campaign’s performance in second place with a $1,000.00 take, and Craig Hendry’s To Support Craig’s Work fund in first place with a $1,475.00 take.
Myers is due in court again later this week and has been livestreaming in apparent defiance of his bond conditions since Friday.
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