Hendry Pleads for Financial Support of Family

A jail house plea from Craig Hendry to help feed his family while he was in jail was not enough to take the GoFundMe market for the day as a $100.00 donation to SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes’ Support Freedom Stand Against Tyranny Together campaign took the day.

The recorded jail house plea from Hendry, similar to the videos Jose “Chille” DeCastro would release when he was in the Clark County Nevada Detention Center earlier this year earned a respectable $85.00 in new donations but simply wasn’t enough to take the day.

To make matters worse, the $100.00 donation went to Reyes’ legal defense GoFundMe for a case that was essentially thrown out last week in Schenectady, New York, as the prosecution failed to meet their burden to prove the charges against Reyes. With the case decided, he didn’t need the money for his legal defense anymore.

Hendry was making a plea on behalf of his girlfriend, who he said was working seven days a week now to support herself and his two children as Hendry is currently incarcerated in the Vermillion County, Indiana, Jail after his bond was revoked in a harassment case was for picking up new felony charges.

The YouTuber has no hope of being released before trial, which is currently set for November 19, 2023, as his bond was completely revoked, and no bond hearing will be set for the YouTuber.

As to the new charges, Hendry confirmed that authorities have sealed the charges out of Sullivan County, Indiana, and they have not been made public as of yet. He said that they involve felony intimidation, disorderly conduct and refusal to leave an emergency incident area.

Hendry asked his fans to call the jail to protest his incarceration, but to remain professional in their calls as he recalled that 800 calls from his fans were behind the original charges of harassment in the Vermillion case.


Despite the GoFundMe Market being dead, this publication is funded by your donations along with what little we make from our YouTube channel per month. While we did achieve “full monetization” on YouTube we still need help to get through monthly expenses and keeping the lights on to bring you the paper and the newscast each day.

If you can afford it, please consider donating to the GoFundMe run by this very channel (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds literally go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org. If you can’t afford to contribute, please WATCH THE ADVERTISEMENTS on our videos, like, share, subscribe and comment. You CAN help by doing next to nothing and we thank you in advance for pitching in!

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