Heather Dollarhide Loses Custody of Daughter

Jason and Heather Dollarhide’s six-year-old daughter was taken into custody of the local Child Protection Services (CPS) on Thursday after the Dollarhides refused to cooperate with inquiries into the well-being of the child and Jason was charged with endangering the child in his latest arrest.

In a series of calls published by Jose “Chille” DeCastro in a YouTube video release, Heather Dollarhide told DeCastro that she had a status hearing scheduled for Thursday and an emergency hearing was scheduled for custody of her daughter on Friday.

In the calls, DeCastro pledged to fundraise for a “fifty thousand dollar” lawyer for Heather and gave her a script in the first call to follow for her status hearing, essentially to repeat a demand for a continuance and that she was seeking a lawyer and say nothing else.

The controversial YouTuber also told Heather Dollarhide to take her daughter to a safe place where the police could not find her before her Thursday court appearance. Heather was apparently in the process of doing so, with bags packed and in the back of her car, when police arrived at her house to take her daughter into CPS custody.

Earlier in the call Wednesday call, Heather said that she and her husband had refused to answer previous inquiries by CPS and the Friday court appearance was already scheduled as an emergency hearing. Heather’s three children from a previous relationship currently are in the custody of a guardian, the grandmother of Heather’s ex, and Heather reportedly has limited, if any, visitation rights.

Heather detailed a previous visit and arrest for trespassing when she attempted to bring a birthday present to one of her children in care of the guardian. She also claimed that Friday’s hearing could take custody of her daughter away from her and husband Jason.

On the Thursday call to Heather, DeCastro told Heather that her phone had been compromised and that she needed to buy a “burner phone” at Wal-Mart. DeCastro repeated, without proof, that the police were listening into Heather’s calls and directed a threat at the police, who were supposedly listening in on the call, that he would be “coming for them” with his legal team to file lawsuits on behalf of the Dollarhides.

When DeCastro talked to a frantic Jason Dollarhide on Thursday, Jason explained that Heather’s ex was set to start a ten-year prison sentence and that their child support was reduced from $600 a month to $110 a month due to his change in status.

DeCastro advised Jason not to talk to Heather directly as her phone was compromised and confirmed that Jason will be at Friday’s emergency custody hearing either in person or via a video feed from the jail. Jason is currently being held in the Cleveland County, Oklahoma, jail on multiple charges.

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Five Dollars. That’s it. Five Dollars to Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova by a single donor gave him the GoFundMe win for Sunday to give him an overall win for the Friday-Sunday period with an outstanding win.

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