Gotcha! Fans Love Irish Demon’s New Mandy Troll!

After a message purporting to be an account of Irish Demon arriving on Miss Mandy’s front yard began to circulate on Thursday, Irish Demon went live from his home in Ireland to reveal that he had never been in North Carolina, and it was all a prank to make Mandy look foolish.

Miss Mandy had claimed earlier in the day that Demon had appeared on her property, reportedly writing:

“Hey hun. Literally saw that little fat Irish fuck drive up to my home. He waved and then bcked out of my driveway and flipped me off as they left. It was a dark Lincoln something I swear to god one more for and I would’ve dropped him where he stiod and he looked like he had a gun to. That little slut was with him and she was driving there was another person in the car. The police put out an lookout for him he won’t make it back to Ireland either in a coffin or by the cops.”

Demon then revealed the deception to his fans Thursday evening. He had never left Ireland, he and girlfriend Chloe had been at a hotel in a nearby town (hence the weirdness of the room when compared to an American hotel), and Mandy’s story was impossible.

The situation began as many were concerned for Demon’s well-being on Wednesday after Mandy made a threat to shoot him in the head after seeing a photo he posted stating he was in the North Carolina. This was followed by a live stream from a hotel where he claimed was in Charlotte, North Carolina and while he was “20 minutes from” Mandy, he had “no intention” of seeing Miss Mandy.

Mandy’s reaction to threaten violence, after seeing a single post by known prankster Demon, has been used to disparage her. Critics outweighed any real fear she may have had in her reaction with the fact that she should have known better and doubling down on the disparagement that she would so quickly turn to violence in reaction to the prank.

Demon has been heralded by his fans as a genius for his quick action in plotting a scenario that would make Mandy look foolish and bring about a reaction to show her declining mental state and need for help. They forgave his deception as they felt that the greater good was served by exposing Mandy’s own deceptions and lies and that “pointing and laughing at stupid” was worth the effort of the elaborate prank.

Mandy ignored the prank and continued to post on message forums. While her humiliation was celebrated by Demon’s audience, like previous actions in the war between the YouTubers, it had little to no impact on her life and she continued her behavior as normal.

The Demon/Mandy war is expected to continue forever.

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