GoFundMe: Wallace Plea Deal News and More

Thursday and Friday brought no real news to the GoFundMe market, as our own On-Going Expenses campaign won the day with a $10.00 donation on Thursday, but failed to do so on Friday, as is custom by our mysterious benefactor, as the paper was dark for the day.

The news itself for the market was usually bleak, and no one did anything yet again to spark any donations and even those in apparent need (Jose DeCastro, Floyd Wallce, etc.), could not be bothered to attempt to raise money for their campaigns.

Wallace is a special case as his own fund seems to be at the heart of some controversy in his community. He raised funds for overseas trips that he apparently never took, as he focused on South American countries since the fall of 2023 and never made it to Asia as promised.

Walace has admitted that the money from various campaigns has gone elsewhere and issued partial refunds to those who funded trips he never took; however, in not keeping his word, he otherwise alienated his doners, resulting in the lack of backers he complains about in more modern live streams.

Wallace made some news over the past week his attorney apparently negotiated the plea deal, he has been bragging about for some time now as there’s a new listing on his file for plea and sentencing scheduled for October 1, 2024.

Wallace was arrested in Oklahoma last year after acting strangely in the police parking lot of the Cleveland County Jail. He refused to comply with orders from the police and was arrested and released on bond later in the evening.

This was Wallace’s last known audit while working in conjunction with Jose “Chille” DeCastro, as Wallace chose to leave the country after the arrest to focus on sex tourism.

It is unclear if the pending plea deal will prevent Wallace for leaving the country later this month for his planned trip to Colombia.

The YouTuber hasn’t livestreamed or put out content since the plea deal but is not listed as a current inmate in the Cleveland County Detention Center, where he would have been housed if his bond was revoked.

We’ll update this story with more news as he either goes live or the court sites update.

On that note, if you’d like to answer our plea for either wet cat food or actual people food and to force me to keep writing this column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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