GoFundMe: Thank You for a Bigger Win

Monday brought another win to our on-going expenses campaign, beating out everyone again, by earning $10.00 from our devoted hate watcher, who really wants this column to continue on a day marked by a bigger win in the background.

Hijacking this column, once again, since there’s literally no action in the market. Even Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s humble brag efforts to spawn some donations on his live stream on Monday resulted in no donations, other than a handful of super chats and gifted memberships in his live stream but no donations to his crowd funding efforts.

So, with that out of the way, we’re going to dive into the bigger news for the person who is writing this column: thanks to the efforts of promoting us up the wazoo by NCR News Network, we’ve reached the 500 subscriber mark and this morning I was able to file for level one monetization.

YouTube is currently reviewing our AdSense account and then it says it can take up to a month to review our content before monetization will be officially turned on. After that, we’ll need at least $100.00 in some sort of revenue each month to join the growing list of deadbeats, err, “independent journalists” who get paid every 20-somethingish of the month in YouTube land.

We’re indebted to NCR and others for getting us over the final hump and into this stage. We thank all of as well for your support since May when we were kind of forced into the role as we left “the other place” to continue our Karen Read coverage, which turned into the daily newscasts, which turned into the watch party and newscast and so on and so on and so on.

Despite our many mistakes and some growing pains, you’ve been here every step of the way to support us through views, feedback, gentle reminders when we’ve needed them, and, of course, donations.

We’ve made it clear in our crowd sourcing that we intend for YouTube to be our full-time job eventually, and we’ve been living off of the money we get in donations in order to survive. That will continue until such a time that YouTube either takes off to the point where we don’t need to crowd source, or, we end up getting another job until it does.

The news, of course, never ends. Even on days like this where we’re barely awake due to allergies and would rather be off asleep (Rose gave us the cooties!), we’re still putting out content and getting things done.

We may have to recruit PANTS to do some voice over work, and the 500-subscriber celebration tonight may be a bit of a blur from the cough syrup but hey, we don’t drink, but it wouldn’t be a proper party without someone embarrassing themselves, so bring it on britches! And let’s get this party started.

On that note, if you’d like to join our hate viewers in exposing our secret plot to make Rose the happiest gal on the planet one day (life insurance puts a smile on every girl’s face!), we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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