GoFundMe: Hard Realities About YouTube Monetization

We won Sunday again with a $10.00 take from our mystery benefactor, I think you know the rest already, as there was no activity on any of the other campaigns we follow.

There’s been questions in the past about the need for the on-going campaign or our continued request for donations since we’re now monetized. Since we’re  out of everything else to talk about today, let’s dive in.

A couple of weeks ago, we reached level one monetization, with help from NCR News Network’s promotion, as we reached 500 viewers and that means the money is coming flowing in, right?

No. Not so fast.

We did get basic monetization. That means that we can receive super chats, super stickers and people can buy channel memberships. We do NOT get ad revenue or any other perks, and we’re still 460 subscribers away from unleashing any income from people watching our videos.

Between what’s available to us to make money on YouTube, we’ve made about $160.00 in pre-tax money (hopefully post YouTube cut money), that is sitting in an account that we can’t touch until (hopefully again) next month.

Google requires verification… and conveniently, after going through all the steps for monetization (forms and agreements), YouTube added the final step of verifying our address by sending a code out via snail mail as the supposed final step in the process.

To their credit, our code only took 6 days to get here and we’ve put it in the system and we wait… and wait… and, jeepers, if they pay the 20th, that’s still going to be 25 days until we see any revenue.

And that’s where our problem comes in. We still have to eat. We still have cats to feed. We still have bills to pay. Our generous mystery hate watcher aside and a couple of special donors aside, we still need help for the basics as we need to survive.

In other words, the movie credits don’t roll and there’s no happily ever after when our magic YouTube moment came. We still need your help, and we’re thankful if you still want to support us.

For our part, since all of our means to make money are tied to live streams and streaming, that’s what we’ll be doing. We’ll be returning to panel shows and finding more ways of bringing in people to our channel and hopefully jump start things to hopefully move us out of the red and back into the black… in September. If we get paid.

On that note, if you’d like to shut us up about having to eat and feed cats and all that good stuff and to force me to keep writing this column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.

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