Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s “Justice for All Legal Battle for Accountability” fund took the GoFundMe crown for Labor Day, bringing in an enormous $20.00 donation and dominating even our own On-Going Expenses account, which was dark for the holiday.
DeCastro’s win was the first donation for the month for the fund, which had gone 15 days without a donation. The fund was created seeking $100,000.00 in July after DeCastro was released from jail.
The Alaska native stated that the purpose of the fund was to sue everyone involved with his arrest and conviction of obstructing an officer and interfering in a traffic stop that was later overturned on appeal.
The YouTuber had originally attempted to motivate his fans to donate to the fund by promising to throw a giant party in Las Vegas for all of his followers who contributed to the fund after he won the multi-million-dollar lawsuit that the campaign would fund.
Since making the promise, DeCastro has said that he was no longer interested in suing Justice of the Peace Ann Zimmerman for convicting him of the crimes as it would be too hard to strip her of her judicial immunity.
In recent days, DeCastro has focused on a possible lawsuit against arresting officer Brandan Borque, who DeCastro says he has a good shot at stripping of qualified immunity. It’s unclear if his statements relate to a new case or the existing case against the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, of which Borque is a party.
The fund itself started out strong but donations dried up quickly in July as DeCastro failed to capitalize on his release from jail. Waiting several days after his release to go live or to pass the collection plate around and then failed to keep up with any sustained reminders to his fan base that he was in need of donations, never mentioning the campaign (or any of his campaigns) and leaving it in the hands of random donations.
Our own on-going expenses fund won on Monday, with a $10.00 take from our hate watcher. The hate watcher took the day off (as we did) on the holiday.
On that note, we won’t be quiet about it we do need your support to continue the paper and the newscast, badly, as level 1 monetization on YouTube’s payouts are weeks away. So if you’d like to continue to force me to keep writing this dreadful column each day, we do have a GoFundMe of our own (https://gofund.me/b8144e31). All proceeds go to keeping the lights on, eating, and writing new stories to feature here and on reallycoolsite.org.